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What are the pros and cons of using a 4k to HD digital extender zoom

I've shot 4k footage since 2014, and when mastering in 1080p, I often use digital zoom in post. There are multiple factors I would look at. Cameras that use a single sensor will display debeyering ...
Iaian7's user avatar
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Prime or Zoom for Video (Micro Four Thirds)

I have that camera. Here are a few things to consider: The camera doesn't have any in-body stabilization, so the footage can be very shaky unless you're prepared. In my situation, I knew I wanted ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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Prime or Zoom for Video (Micro Four Thirds)

For most people, the first workhorse lens will be a zoom, because of the versatility. Sharpness in lenses isn't a huge factor for video; at HD resolution and below, lenses that photographers turn ...
stib's user avatar
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ffmpeg smooth video zoom-in to center over duration of video

pzoom is the calculated zoom value for the previous frame. It is initialized to 1 at the start of filtering. So, if total no. of frames is X, your zoom expr should be z='min(pzoom+(2.13-1)/X,2.13)'
Gyan's user avatar
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What qualities to search for in a camcorder for high zoom, lower light?

For high zoom, low light you need all these things. Large sensor. Long lens [not software zoom]. Large aperture. High ISO capability with low self-noise. This is not a cheap combination, by any ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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2 votes

Zoom in and out a video frame panel in Adobe Premiere

Yes, well not for zooming but for maximizing and restoring the panel. These shortcuts may look different depending on the keyboard layout. On English layouts it's ` for the active frame, which is the ...
Matt's user avatar
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Understanding how much zoom can be used in post on Insta360 before quality suffers

Detail loss will occur as a function of the inverse square law. That is, a 2X zoom level will result in a 4X loss of quality. A 3X zoom level results in 9X quality loss, etc.
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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What cable type (TRS or TRRS) is appropriate for connecting my Zoom H5 to my Sony A6400?

Use a TRS cable. Make sure you reduce the line-out level in your Zoom H5, otherwise the audio in your camera will peak all the time. The quality/purity of the copper in the cable is irrevelant. This ...
Matt's user avatar
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Prime or Zoom for Video (Micro Four Thirds)

For videography you do not necessarily look for "a good" lens for pixel peeping, you want a good autofocus system and a wide aperture for a "cinematic look". This depends on what type of videography ...
Rafael's user avatar
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ffmpeg fade in from center (with scale image)

Use ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex "[1:v]pad=iw*2:ih*2:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2:c=black@0,zoompan='1+on/125':x='(iw-iw/zoom)/2':y='(ih-ih/zoom)/2':d=125:s=WxH,format=gbrap,fade=t=in:d=5:...
Gyan's user avatar
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Zoom in/out transition in Blender

Directional Blur is a feature of the VSE (video sequence editor), aka compositor. When you open up Blender, select Video Editing as the Screen Layout. Make one window a Node Editor (where you will ...
Michael Tiemann's user avatar
1 vote

Scale, position, and zoom a still image in Premiere Pro CC

That's very easy. Simply select all images, press right click -> Nest. Give it a name and you are done. Now on this single "clip" apply your movement. If you want to edit the single images, double ...
Timothy Lukas H.'s user avatar
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How to place a picture into an object and zoom into it to make it big? (After Effects)

There's a few ways to do this. The simplest is to make the castle layer the parent of the magnifying glass (use the parent drop-down or the pick whip), so that as you scale the castle up the ...
stib's user avatar
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