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5 votes

How they did it? (3D-like screenshots with animation)

This looks like 2.5D to me, probably in After Effects. You create high res art, perhaps by capturing web pages from a 4K display, then animate each screen. Its only a small amount of mousing. Then use ...
3pointedit's user avatar
4 votes

Why do a lot of animation videos have wiggly lines?

This seems to typically be called 'Squigglevision', it's even patented. There do seem do be ways to replicate this in After Effects.
etskinner's user avatar
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4 votes

After Effects: Make beam effect go over end/beginning

You can't do it with the beam effect as it stands. But… A workaround would be to move your start and end points further out along the line that they define. A bit of maths and an expression will do ...
stib's user avatar
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4 votes

How are motion graphics like this created?

Totally doable using After Effects as it comes out of the box. I'd be making each letter a separate layer, turning that layer into a matte for the colour, which would be provided by the gradient ...
stib's user avatar
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3 votes

AE Counter Switch (Mins > Hs)

Make three text layers with a slider on each. Call the layers value 1, value 2, and value 3. In the source text of each of the text layers put this expression, to display the slider value and round ...
tomh's user avatar
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2 votes

Reference Request: Camera Movements

Mic shot looks like a dolly back tilt to track the subject. This is a compound movement that is natural to do with a hand held camera but more challenging when using a digital camera. Try tracking ...
3pointedit's user avatar
2 votes

How to add simple textual animations to videos?

Looking at the video, I'd say it's highly likely it was made with Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, or Adobe After Effects. You could achieve the same thing in FFMPEG, but I doubt that's how they actually ...
tomh's user avatar
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2 votes

How to add simple textual animations to videos?

This code works well now. It has several text animations with FFMpeg. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "[in]drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf: text='First Line': fontcolor=red: fontsize=40: x=(w-text_w)/2: ...
Alexia1990's user avatar
2 votes

How can I add animated text to a video programmatically (from a script) for use as quality video introductions?

If you has access to Adobe After Effects and Premier, you can create templates in After Effects with the Live Text tool and easily modify them inside Premier. More about this topic on the following ...
VJ Galaxy's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I add animated text to a video programmatically (from a script) for use as quality video introductions?

Get TypeMonkey for AfterEffects. Other than templates, it's the easiest way to generate text animations from scratch.
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I make a video from pictures?

You can use ffmpeg, a free command-line tool, for this. Syntax is ffmpeg -framerate 25 -i img%04d.png video.mp4 where img%04d.png is the pattern mask for a list of image files named img0001.png ...
Gyan's user avatar
  • 33.6k
2 votes

Preserving Frame Rate

At first I did not understand your question, after you have supplied the example video I understood what your problem is. The issue is that when you import the Images, Premiere Pro assigns a default ...
MEGA's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do a lot of animation videos have wiggly lines?

The style imitates hand-drawn cel animation, where each frame is drawn separately. Usually the lines will be slightly different in each drawing so you get what is called "boiling" or "line boil". ...
stib's user avatar
  • 13.8k
2 votes

How to keyframe zoompan filter in ffmpeg?

With loop added, you are generating a video stream from the image. Now, zoom is applicable within the processing loop of a single frame, and pzoom for video streams. Also, zoompan doesn't have ...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to have an overlay move to specific points at specific frames using ffmpeg

Use ffmpeg -i C:\src\assets\video\base.mp4 -i C:\card.png -y \ -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay=x='if(eq(n,439),300,0)':y='if(eq(n,439),300,0)':enable='eq(n,438)+eq(n,439)'[out]" \ -...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

Masking Radio Waves in After Effects

Yeah, that's a weird thing with the radio waves effect. It seems to be applied after the layer masks, and thus ignores the masks for the layer. This happens for a few effects, particularly ones that ...
stib's user avatar
  • 13.8k
2 votes

Hanna Barbara animation frame rate

This may be useful: For a standard Disney feature, the film would be projected at the standard 24 ...
SidewaysUpJoe's user avatar
2 votes

How can i open circumference of circle as straight line in After Effects?

Use masks. Make a mask with 5 points, one in the centre of the circle two on either side in line with the first and two far enough away so that the mask covers half the circle. Then animate the second ...
stib's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I get good at animation even though I'm not good at drawing and digital art?

Hard work. One does not become a god in animation overnight. Learn to master Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects. That's virtually all you need for professional animation. Or go and look for ...
Florian Claaßen's user avatar
2 votes

Create video from a series of single frames and use original audio

if it is something like "Stop-Motion Videography" that you need, Follow 13 steps {The keyboard shortcut are defaults of windows, for your case use that of MAC} Target your 'PlayHead' to the position ...
shivanshsen7's user avatar
2 votes

Duplicating keyframes in After Effects

Click the layer were your made the keyframes Press U or P to reveal the keyframes Highlight the keyframes. You will know it's highlighted since the color of the keyframes is colored blue(see ...
Tony Logarta's user avatar
2 votes

What techniques/tools are used to create this text motion graphics in After Effects?

Text animators are an essential part of working with text in AE, I suggest you read up on them, which you can do here. Text animators give you lots of tools for doing the kind of effects you want, but ...
stib's user avatar
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2 votes

Has a realistic looking film ever been produced entirely virtually?

Well if you take a look at the mandalorian, almost every background is computer-generated. Sure, the actors are real, but almost nothing else. If you're looking for entire cgi-sequences, you can take ...
Florian Claaßen's user avatar
2 votes

make a stroke from a path in after effect

There are many ways to do this - here is one: Make a null object Make a mask path on the null layer using the pen Set a single keyframe on the mask's path Go to your object (e.g. a star in this ...
tomh's user avatar
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2 votes

How to accomplish this animated piano visual effect in a Livestream?

This is simply produce with a synthesia like software. (For example: ) Just record a MIDI-File and put some effects on it with this software. For the first one: I can ...
Gunnar Herbert's user avatar
2 votes

How do I merge two shapes in one during an animation?

As far as I know, there isn't a great automatic way of doing this in AE. One technique is to make keyframes on your all shape paths, then paste the initial shapes into the path of the end shape after ...
tomh's user avatar
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2 votes

Which text animation is this?

You don't need a template to do this. The font is a variation of Zolina according to WhatTheFont: The animation is a series of masks revealing the ...
tomh's user avatar
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2 votes

How to enable blue animation handles in Adobe Premiere Pro?

You can't do this to an entire sequence - it's done to individual graphics items within your sequence. You can adjust the intro and outro times in the Responsive Design - Time section of the Essential ...
tomh's user avatar
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1 vote

Frame transition in sony vegas

I believe that the effect used for both the zoom in the beginning and the multiple vertical frames later on is the effect 'BlurMoCurves'. It's part of Sapphire OFX plugins and can be installed (and ...
Jake's user avatar
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1 vote

Custom formula for keyframe automation - Adobe Premiere Pro

Not from within premiere. You would need to do that in AfterEffects. AfterEffects is better suited to do animation regardless. Once you've set up your compositions, you can then import them directly ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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