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10 votes

Freeze frames in DaVinci Resolve

Right click on the clip (or open the Clip menu with the clip selected) and select "Change Clip Speed". A popup will open: Check the "Freeze frame" check box and then hit "Change". The clip can now be ...
Mitch's user avatar
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9 votes

Davinci Resolve: How to easily add background-colour to text?

Use a Text+ for the title. In the Inspector, go to the Shading Tab, and in the Shading Elements section, change the "Select Element" dropdown to "4" and check "Enabled." ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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8 votes

DaVinci Resolve: hide timeline viewer

The current way to accomplish this is to either: 1) Toggle the menu [Workspace] > [Single Viewer Mode] - or - 2) Toggle the [ ] / [][] button (top right of the viewer) NOTE: Resolve will only ...
SimplSam's user avatar
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6 votes

How to save each segment as a separate file with DaVinci Resolve?

Go to the deliver tab and on the left click on the file menu. Above it yopu should see the checkboxes labelled Render [ ] single clip [✓] Individual clips. check the individual clips box, and then ...
stib's user avatar
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6 votes

Render failed - Davinci Resolve 16

In the 'Deliver' panel, under the Advanced Settings, try enabling/ticking “Use render cached images”.
SidewaysUpJoe's user avatar
5 votes

Green screen Issue shooting with dslr (background green changes)

It doesnt really matter what type of lighting instruments you use, tungsten, hmi, led, flo, so long as you use the same color temperature lights to light the screen as you do to gauge the lighting of ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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5 votes

DaVinci Resolve: Difference between adjusting Y or YRGB

My statement that the effect looks the same was incorrect. The use of these sliders is explained in the manual, in "Primary Grading Controls" -> "Color Wheels Palette" -> "RGB Lift/Gamma/Gain Sliders" ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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5 votes

DaVinci Resolve: Blur and fade title on top of video

DaVinci doesn't really have a strong toolset when it comes to working with titles and motion graphics, although given BlackMagic's current trajectory, that may change in the near future. For now, you'...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there an equivalent to Vegas' "select to end" feature in DaVinci Resolve?

It's called "Select Clips Forward On This Track", and it's activated by placing the playhead (the tall orange marker) over the first clip you want to select and doing one of the following: Select ...
Mitch's user avatar
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5 votes

Looking to write a DaVinci Resolve plugin

The Resolve scripting API comes with DaVinci Resolve Studio. The most platform-agnostic way of finding it is through the Resolve "help" menu, under Help->Documentation->Developer. ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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4 votes

What does a color grading software offer over a compositor?

The functionality of editing vs color grading vs compositing software is overlapping since every professional software can do a bit of everything. But they are experts in their own domain. Resolve has ...
Fred42vid's user avatar
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4 votes

How to deal with reflections in a space helmet

The best thing you can do is get as much right on set as possible. Cover cast, crew, and equipment with black fabric, hide them behind black curtains, Get your talent as far away from the green ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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4 votes

Lowering preview resolution for better on-the-fly timeline rendering in Davinci Resolve

I believe Proxy Mode is what you are looking for. You can find it in the Playback Menu. Playback > Proxy Mode >
Buck Hicks's user avatar
4 votes

What's the difference between Blackmagic Fusion and Resolve?

Firstly - Davinci Resolve (since v15) now includes Fusion as a sub-tool. Additionally some component features of Fusion are embedded within the Resolve interface and conversely some features of ...
SimplSam's user avatar
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4 votes

Export timeline with multiple audio tracks as video with single audio track in DaVinci Resolve 16

The likely culprit is the Audio setting [Output Track 1], which should normally be "Main 1 (Stereo)", which is the default final bus/mix of the audio in the compiled video. When setting it to "All ...
SimplSam's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make 1:1 ratio video in Davinci Resolve?

You can do this by going to File>Project Settings... Under the Master Settings tab on Timeline resolution choose Custom and change For 1920x1080 processing to For 1080x1080 processing.
Softsah's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

How to add typewriter effect in Davinci Resolve or Fusion?

In the Text+ tool there is a control for write-on that does exactly what you want. To quote from the Fusion 9 Tool Reference: Write On This range control is used to quickly apply simple Write On ...
stib's user avatar
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3 votes

ffmpeg convert mp4 to mov with dnxhd codec

Your output has to match one of the requested profiles. For the 5th profile listed, [dnxhd @ 0000000002be23a0] Frame size: 1920x1080p; bitrate: 115Mbps; pixel format: yuv422p; framerate: 24000/1001 ...
Gyan's user avatar
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3 votes

Wrapping AVI with RGBA channels in a MOV file?

You can use ffmpeg, a free command-line tool to do this. The command is ffmpeg.exe -i in.avi -c:v copy This will copy the video stream over without transcoding or dropping the alpha. The ...
Gyan's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I do color grading in FCPX or round trip do DaVinci Resolve?

Use Resolve, it is far superior to FCPX for grading. This is my workflow, since I always shoot in RAW with the Blackmagic Cinema Camera. I know there are ways to do this using XML, but I've run into ...
Manly's user avatar
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3 votes

DaVinci Resolve 15 view multiple tracks at once

This is what the Multi-Cam feature is for. You can see this Tutorial: How to use Multicam in Resolve in it, you can preview all cameras at once. Keep in mind that this is quite perfomance intensif. ...
Timothy Lukas H.'s user avatar
3 votes

Davinci Resolve: How to flip horizontal a short scene (visually flip every frame, without reversing play)

First, cut the longer clip into 3, to separate the reversed part from the rest of the clip. Then bring the clip into fusion, link the input to a transform node, then to the output. The transform node ...
Sirex's user avatar
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3 votes

Davinci Resolve 15 - color correction of whole tracks

A couple of ways you can do this. My faforite is groups. In the color page, do this: Shift click all of the clips you want to color correct at the same time. You can limit the clips shown on the ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Davinci Resolve 16 good for beginers?

As far as I know, in Resolve you only have to pay premium for the cloud collaborative features. Its not beginner software like iMovie or WMM, but rather comparable to Premiere, the cheapest rate for ...
iceburger's user avatar
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3 votes

Raising volume of one mic in an audio track to meet others' mics volumes

For it to sound good, you would certainly have to raise and lower the volume by hand using keyframes. If you want a quick and dirty solution, you can use a limiter or compressor. A limiter sets a ...
Florian Claaßen's user avatar
3 votes

Working on audio effects for multiple clips at once

You can lasso them on the timeline, right-click and choose "remove attributes..." Then, make sure "plugins" is checked, and click "apply." After that, I will need to ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an equivalent to Premiere's tilde key in DaVinci Resolve?

You can't expand any panel to full screen in Resolve 16 like you can in Premiere Pro. You can expand the viewer to full screen with cmd/ctrl-F, and on the color page you can also get different viewer ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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3 votes

Which tool or method should be used to make text on a whiteboard look natural / right?

Your use of pitch and yaw is correct, but it looks like you have just overcompensated a little. Your vanishing point for the lines is too near - that bottom line shows this by angling up too much. If ...
Dr Mayhem's user avatar
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3 votes

Change color to look as how a color blind person sees

With these values, I get the results shown below. Note that your color management settings in Resolve will affect your result, and so will the input color space of your source. To avoid ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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3 votes

What is this effect called and where can I find a tutorial about it and reproduce it today?

The video you link to is unavailable in the UK, but viewable using the Tor browser. It's a series of motion blurred zoom-outs animated together, probably made using Adobe After Effects (eg this ...
tomh's user avatar
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