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9 votes

Select range of clips in Kdenlive

You can box-select clips by dragging the mouse while holding the shift key and and left mouse button. kdenlive "Selection" manual If the clips you want to select are all contiguous, you can ...
Klesun's user avatar
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8 votes

Remove datestamp (watermark) from videos

Use ffmpeg (download a static build for your operating system) and its delogo filter, which will try to cover up a logo or watermark by interpolating neighboring pixels. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "...
slhck's user avatar
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7 votes

Is Adobe Premiere Elements good enough for video editing?

Is Adobe Premiere Elements good enough for video editing? In general, yes. It is a watered down Version of Premiere Pro for people that would be overwhelmed by a full-featured professional editing ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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7 votes

Extract person from video

If you have a frame where the person does not exist, you can use a tool called a difference matte. (You'll need to scroll down to the section titled "Difference Matte Effect" for a description.) It ...
user1118321's user avatar
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7 votes

Select range of clips in Kdenlive

I didn't find a way of selecting a range of clips but the main problem is solved by the spacer tool which can be invoked by pressing M. One then grabs the left end of the clip to the right of a gap ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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6 votes

How was this slow motion effect created? what programs can do this?

There are methods to generate frames in between frames, mostly giving you mixed results. For one, the plugin "twixtor" (~330$) actually does a somewhat decent job at assuming missing frames, so much ...
Florian Claaßen's user avatar
6 votes

Render failed - Davinci Resolve 16

In the 'Deliver' panel, under the Advanced Settings, try enabling/ticking “Use render cached images”.
SidewaysUpJoe's user avatar
5 votes

ffmpeg flash frames last still image in concat sequence

Based on the discussion at the bug tracker, this should be a workaround: file path/to/001.png duration 5 file path/to/002.png duration 5.96 file path/to/002.png and ffmpeg.exe -f concat -safe 0 -i ...
Gyan's user avatar
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5 votes

Extract person from video

Final Cut Pro X has a plugin called Pro Removal that can remove moving things from the scene on fixed camera shots. Also there is a tutorial for After Effects that shows how remove objects from scene ...
Gustavo Jantsch's user avatar
5 votes

Does SSD reduce render time significantly?

It depends entirely on the type of rendering you are doing and the specs of your computer. Bottle necks can occur in many different parts of the rendering pipeline. Generally speaking, rendering is ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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5 votes

Creating a one-off non-pro video to document a project - what software would be sensible?

This question gets asked quite frequently, and normally the answer is to pick one from this list. But since you very clearly defined what you are looking for in the editing software, I think I can ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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4 votes

How to mark multiple ins and outs in Adobe Premiere?

The best way in Premiere is to use "I" and "O" to set ins and outs as you scroll through your Source. Then for each in and out, use command (ctrl) "U" to create a Subclip in your Project. Then when ...
Arthur Grau's user avatar
4 votes

How to do a "deep" / full copy of a nested sequence in Premiere Pro CS6? (i.e. constituent components are all copied)

I also have an idea, if your sequence and titles are too complicated you can save a copy of your project and then import a sequence from it to the main project. It's best possible solution to copy ...
Mikhail Bogatyrev's user avatar
4 votes

About Video Formats and prevention of download of videos

If you don't want your stuff to be stolen, don't put it on the internet People need to be able to watch your video on their computers. For that purpose, it needs to be downloaded to their computers. ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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4 votes

Digital TV SCTE 35 signal

To determine if a channel has SCTE-35, you will need to have the Program Map Table (PMT) recorded. From the PMT, you should be able to find the Packet Identifiers (PIDs) of all of the streams ...
Michael Liebman's user avatar
4 votes

edit after effects projects with aerender and extend script

Aerender does what it says on the tin: it just renders. It can save a comp after rendering if there's a post-render action like setting proxies, but AFAIK it has no other capability to modify projects ...
stib's user avatar
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4 votes

What are some GUI that allow me to cut sections from a video without re-encode?

LosslessCut is an open-source video cutting tool. Its interface is built using Electron, and its backend is ffmpeg. It's available on the three main operating systems (Linux/Mac/Windows), and also ...
Denilson Sá Maia's user avatar
4 votes

What's the difference between Blackmagic Fusion and Resolve?

Firstly - Davinci Resolve (since v15) now includes Fusion as a sub-tool. Additionally some component features of Fusion are embedded within the Resolve interface and conversely some features of ...
SimplSam's user avatar
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4 votes

Export multiple clips from one video as separate files

I did it with shotcut. Credit to: Steps Load video into shotcut click+drag video down to timeline move playhead to desired position & Split at ...
Reed's user avatar
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4 votes

How to make video with a scrolling graphic?

You create the whole graphic as a still image - for the above, likely a 1080 x 28000 px image to start with. Then I'd import the image into either Premiere or After Effects based on what you're more ...
Joshjurg's user avatar
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4 votes

What free video editing software is capable of moving/rotating a sprite atop video?

A great tool for this is Davinci Resolve: It is very capable, has an excellent free version and can easily accomplish the desired tasks. A ...
SimplSam's user avatar
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3 votes

How to programmatically personalize video?

You can use ffmpeg to do something like this programmatically. It has the capability to composite and edit footage as well as adding effects and text. It is a command line app, so works in the shell ...
stib's user avatar
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3 votes

Syncing audio and video from different sources

This is a rather common problem. The issue is NOT sample-rate. And the issue is NOT frame-rate, either. Most modern editing software (or file-manipulation software) is capable of easily resolving ...
Richard Crowley's user avatar
3 votes

privacy: the easiest way to blur out some location specific objects in a video

You are going to need to use; preferably After Effects to do this. You could also do it in Premiere; but AE is the way to go, because you can use the tracking feature to auto follow objects; combined ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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3 votes

How to swap sides of side-by-side video chat interview?

Using ffmpeg, ffmpeg -i recording.mp4 -filter_complex "[0]split[a][b]; [a]crop=iw/2:ih:0:0[r]; [b]crop=iw/2:ih:iw/2:0[l]; [l][r]hstack" -c:a copy switched.mp4 Two crops of ...
Gyan's user avatar
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3 votes

I have a .mkv video file I need to use but it is apparently infinite

So I've found the issue to be related to inconsistent framerates. I found that running the video through ffmpeg with ffmpeg -i yourfile.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy -r 30 newfile.mkv actually fixed the ...
Caden Mitchell's user avatar
3 votes

Davinci Resolve: How to flip horizontal a short scene (visually flip every frame, without reversing play)

First, cut the longer clip into 3, to separate the reversed part from the rest of the clip. Then bring the clip into fusion, link the input to a transform node, then to the output. The transform node ...
Sirex's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Davinci Resolve 16 good for beginers?

As far as I know, in Resolve you only have to pay premium for the cloud collaborative features. Its not beginner software like iMovie or WMM, but rather comparable to Premiere, the cheapest rate for ...
iceburger's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it illegal for me to download DaVinci Resolve 17 just because I don't work for a company?

Yes, it’s ok*, as long as you’re downloading the free version (not the one that says “Studio”) of Resolve and not trying to circumvent their copyright protection. When you download the software, they ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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3 votes

Change color to look as how a color blind person sees

With these values, I get the results shown below. Note that your color management settings in Resolve will affect your result, and so will the input color space of your source. To avoid ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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