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4 votes

What is this effect's name? And how would I be able to do it in Sony Vegas?

Search Google for "light leaks". Here's free collection: How to use: Place the desired light leak clip on the track above your video and set track's compositing ...
altarvic's user avatar
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3 votes

How to copy markers and regions between projects in Vegas Pro

It's a little counter-intuitive that Vegas Pro will not copy/paste markers and regions, but this is doable and it's not too difficult. Here are the following steps to merge project A with project B ...
user3643's user avatar
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3 votes

Different luminosity between preview and render on Sony Vegas 13

I believe I have a solution. Render the video, put it into Vegas again and apply "Sony Levels" with "Computer RGB to Studio RGB". Worked for me.
Arczista's user avatar
3 votes

How to de-flicker (anti-flicker) video?

Wow, I have found interesting solution: Method 1 (bad approach): duplicate main video streams and put over the main stream, just off-seting them 1 frame after change the opacity of the top video to ...
T.Todua's user avatar
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2 votes

How to fix invisible image cropping in Vegas Pro

The easiest way to fix this is to right-click on the pan/crop area and select Match Output Aspect.
Rusty Core's user avatar
2 votes

Render settings for DVD in Vegas Pro

Use variable bitrate to cut down on filesize 4 GB / 65 min = 8.2 Mb/s which is in the norm for DVD quality so fixed bitrate should be fine. The max DVD data bitrate is 10.08 Mb/s anyway.
qwr's user avatar
  • 238
2 votes

Different luminosity between preview and render on Sony Vegas 13

Vegas 15 has Finally fixed these issues with the new ACES 1.0 support. To render perfect colors for video AND stills you must ensure the following project project properties are as followed. https://...
user20045's user avatar
2 votes

Sony Vegas Pro 12 - 4/3 video wrongly considered as 16/9

I did not manage to solve the source problem, but I found how to overcome the consequences. It is indeed possible to edit the aspect ratio of the rendered video using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i <...
Blacksad's user avatar
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2 votes

If I delete a video from my computer after I've imported it, will it delete from the video I'm editing?

Unlike some other editing tools, Vegas does not convert imported video into its own intermediate format, but works directly with what you have. Importing means Vegas knows about these clips and has ...
Rusty Core's user avatar
2 votes

If I delete a video from my computer after I've imported it, will it delete from the video I'm editing?

According to the on-line manual page 57 of this commercial software this is only true if you: have selected the Copy media with project checkbox and Clicked the Save button for all your projects! If ...
Fabby's user avatar
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2 votes

Sony Vegas - render allowing source to adjust frame rate?

I just wrote a nice detailed answer but somehow I deleted the draft. To save time, the simple explanation (EDIT: I haven't gotten this from experience; I'm just going off what people have told me in ...
Radialbog9's user avatar
2 votes

Sony Vegas pro 15: Can not move Image in Pan/Crop

Use the track motion where you can move and resize images
Jester Velasquez's user avatar
1 vote

resulting video has smaller dimensions but much more mb in size

The "Internet HDV 720-30p" template uses as default a data rate of 8 MBit/s. If you want to reduce the size of your video from 55mb to below 17mb, you should set the avarage bit rate at ...
nwsp's user avatar
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1 vote

Best render settings for youtube

I think this article should help you:
Viktor Liashenko's user avatar
1 vote

Show a hidden panel

If you open the Help and navigate to The Vegas Pro Window section, you will see a picture with all main components of the Vegas UI explained. The area you pointing to is the Track List. It seems that ...
Rusty Core's user avatar
1 vote

Vegas Pro 15.0 Fade In/Out

Well... You could try to place the clip that you want to fade in/out on top of the other clips. If that does not work, you will have to split all of the clips at the same place and make them all fade ...
Blanks's user avatar
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Transfer videos from Sony HC9 tapes to Windows 10 laptop

iLink will give you a lossless digital transfer of the source material, if maintaining perfect quality is important, I would go with that connection. DON'T attempt an iLink/1394 to USB adaptor, if you ...
Peter Barton's user avatar
1 vote

Why are there missing frames in the Vegas Pro editing timeline?

Vegas is not showing you the actual framerate based measurement. Instead, it is showing you 30 fps Drop Frame Timecode, which exists for compatibility reasons and does have to do with NTSC video. For ...
Gyan's user avatar
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Is it possible to speed up footage by more than 4x in Sony Vegas Movie Studio?

you just right clic the clip, select insert / remove embelop , velocity , then rise up that green line that appears on your clip.
brylidan's user avatar
1 vote

How could I recreate this stroke effect in After Effects and/or Sony Vegas?

I'll take you through how to replicate the paint stroke effect in After Effects, as briefly as I am able. The artwork would have to be created seperately. Hold tight, because this guide assumes you ...
Clif's user avatar
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Is it possible make in Vegas Pro?

It is possible but animations are much better suited for a speciality program like After Effects. Vegas on its own will only provide you basic video effects and nothing close to animations like these.
qwr's user avatar
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Frame transition in sony vegas

I believe that the effect used for both the zoom in the beginning and the multiple vertical frames later on is the effect 'BlurMoCurves'. It's part of Sapphire OFX plugins and can be installed (and ...
Jake's user avatar
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Export Markers From Vegas Studio 14?

After some experimenting it's clear this is a feature only available in Vegas Pro (Edit or better). Thankfully there is a trial version which I was able to use to confirm this is the case.
Paul R Rogers's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to ripple edit Adobe Premier?

Yes, you can use the Ripple Edit Tool. See here (Tools panel and Options panel section)
MoritzLost's user avatar
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Problems opening 3GP files in Sony Vegas 12 64bit

I finally got back in working order by also installing AviDemux and Quicktime. CONCLUSION: Vegas is capable of opening 3GP files AS LONG it has the right codecs, which Quicktime seems to supply when ...
tony gil's user avatar
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How do i stretch an image like this in a video on sony vegas pro 13?

First off, welcome! I would like to state that in the future you should make you questions a bit more detailed. From what I understand you either want to (1) stretch the image to remove the black ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to stop Sony AVC/MVC encoder from adding 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9 videos?

In project properties, set your pixel aspect ratio to 1.333 as well. Furthermore, make sure that when you right-click a video on your timeline that both resample is disabled, and try fiddling around ...
ImJustACowLol's user avatar
1 vote

How to make rendering loop selections work in Movie Studio Platinum 13?

Oh, I found it myself and leaving the answer here in case someone else will get confused by this because the solution is not obvious. I was setting the checkbox here: but if I use "Advanced options",...
JustAMartin's user avatar
1 vote

Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Suite 12.0 - 21:9 / 2560x1080

YouTube does not natively support 21:9 aspect ratios. If you upload a 2560x1080 video, it will scale the video down to 1920x1080 and letterbox it (put black bars top and bottom). You are better off ...
Michael Tiemann's user avatar

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