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2 votes

How to accomplish this animated piano visual effect in a Livestream?

This is simply produce with a synthesia like software. (For example: ) Just record a MIDI-File and put some effects on it with this software. For the first one: I can ...
Gunnar Herbert's user avatar
2 votes

Recording 720p source with 1080p

It is best to match the source dimensions with your recoding dimensions. Using a larger number of pixels requires more data or bandwidth to encode the scaled source. You wont be able to make a sharper ...
3pointedit's user avatar
1 vote

How to accomplish this animated piano visual effect in a Livestream?

Both are incorrect. For live capturing you can use something like this: Use any audio visualizer (with a solid background) and add some visual effects; Chroma key/mask the background of the ...
Math's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to screen record with 1000fps?

You don't have to be mad, we're only helping :D Yes, there is software out there that does that. Try: Open Broadcast (obs) Fraps (although I personally hate it) Streamlabs (basically obs but in a ...
Florian Claaßen's user avatar
1 vote

Recording 720p source with 1080p

While it is true that you can sometimes gain additional sharpness by recording at higher resolution and then downsampling after you have finished any other changes you plan to make, that isn't ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
  • 19.4k

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