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Convert mpeg4 to mp4 (x265 + aac)

The thing that worked for me was to encode it twice, not ideal, but it works: ffmpeg -i in.mp4 out.mp4 ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -c:v libx265 -vtag hvc1 -c:a copy out.mp4.mp4 Once I'm done, I remove the ...
Walter White's user avatar
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FFMPEG recorded video not playable in browser on mobile phone (Android/iPhone)

The main problem is in the profile (which limits the set of compressing algorithm). You didn't use the -profile option, so the (default) x264 encoder automatically selects one for you. In your case, ...
MarianD's user avatar
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How can I combine these ffmpeg commands into one step?

Simply chain the filters in a sequence. ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "drawbox=x=0:y=0:w=5:h=3:color=#ff0000:t=fill:enable='not(mod(n,2))',drawbox=x=0:y=0:w=5:h=3:color=#00ff00:t=fill:enable='mod(n,2)'&...
Gyan's user avatar
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Changing the fps of playback in ffplay

Example: ffplay -f v4l2 -framerate 15 /dev/video4
Rexcirus's user avatar
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Audio is mostly silent with cracking stuttering noises every few seconds

Try re-encoding the audio with FFmpeg: The AAC audio codec may be causing the issue, so re-encoding the audio could help. Try the following FFmpeg command to convert the audio to a different format (e....
JMR's user avatar
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ffmeg: Error message about two video streams not matching in size even though they actually do match

The expression used for the blend filter is same formula as used in the grainextract blend mode, but faster processing than expression. For error about mismatched dimensions, it can not be seen as ...
helper_guest's user avatar
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FFmpeg video-from-images with different durations, has wrong durations?

Your suspicion is correct. The image demuxer has a default framerate of 25. To set a framerate of 30, you will need ffmpeg 5.0+ and modify each file entry as follows: file red_image.png option ...
Gyan's user avatar
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Is it possible to embed a thumbnail in a .mkv file?

It turns out that the Matroska format also demands that the image ( ONLY a .jpg or a .png can be used ) must not only be named "cover.jpg" or "cover.png"; there is an obscure ...
Ace Frahm's user avatar
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How to condense a video without reencoding with ffmpeg

To avoid transcoding, ffmpeg requires cutting the movie at i-frames, since that's where it has a full image. If you put the time with -ss into ffmpeg, it will start from the latest i-frame before or ...
scubed's user avatar
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