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Rounded Border in .ass subtitle

The only way to achieve rounded corners is to use draw text tag. Here is an example of dialogue for rounded corners box. Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an7\p1\bord0\shad0\1a&...
Armen Sanoyan's user avatar
2 votes

How to get frame number given a timestamp using ffmpeg

We may use FFprobe frames counting: ffprobe -read_intervals "%+01:05.01" -v error -select_streams v:0 -count_packets -show_entries stream=nb_read_packets -of csv=p=0 input.mp4 -...
Rotem's user avatar
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How to get frame number given a timestamp using ffmpeg

For MP4/MOV files, you could do this as follows: Say you wanted the frame number for frame at 1:05.00 (65.00s) Run ffmpeg -ss 1:05 -copyts -noaccurate_seek -i input.mp4 -vf "select=gte(t\,64.8)*...
Gyan's user avatar
  • 33.6k
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3 input videos - where vid2 follows vid1 whereas vid3 is full length - into 2 halves side-by-side video

use -itsoffset to delay second video ffmpeg -i "cam1killer1.mp4" \ -itsoffset 10 -i "cam1killer2.mp4" \ -i "cam2killer3.mp4" -lavfi " color=black:1280x1000[b]; [b][0]...
Баяр Гончикжапов's user avatar
-1 votes

Convert mp4 to webm without quality loss with ffmpeg

mp4 and webm are container formats. think of them as boxes that contain within them various video, audio, subtitle, chapter info, etc files. if all the streams within the mp4 container file are ...
taltamir's user avatar
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Generate HLS streams from pre-encoded videos without re-encoding using ffmpeg

Turns out the provided command is actually correct. The problem was in how I was testing the resulting HLS files. It didn't work correctly with VLC media player, but when using video.js in the chrome ...
Gman's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg alphamerge to mask two images before calculating similarity index

What alphamerge does is attach a grayscale image as an alpha component to the base image. Video quality metrics don't factor in the alpha component. What you need to use is a filter like maskedmerge. ...
Gyan's user avatar
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ffmpeg: -hls_time and -hls_init_time not working

a colleague figured it out (for a 20 second input video): ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0 -c copy -f ssegment -segment_list playlist.m3u8 -segment_times 2,12,22 -break_non_keyframes 1 out%03d.ts if used ...
apes-together-strong's user avatar

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