Decreasing levels of other channels when voice channel comes in
"Ducking" is the canonical term for what you want, usually done with a compressor in the main program chain with the sidechain taken from your mic channel.
Audition 2018 has a auto ducking feature ...
How to get peak audio quality and lowest video quality?
I use this command to transcode video lectures primarily composed of static images with only the lecturer's voice overlaid.
ffmpeg -ss 00:06:00 -i input.mp4 -filter_complex '[0:v]fps=fps=1[v1],[v1]...
Video Editors Supporting 5.1 Surround Sound?
Davinci Resolve 14 would definitely do this as it has all new audio, otherwise Adobe Premier will work
my client is unhappy with the video editing of the evening dancing as we havent used the actual audio but used songs that were playing that evening
I would suggest trying to combine the two audio feeds. If you layer the room audio with the clean audio, it will probably help make things more usable. Otherwise I would give the customer what they ...
What is the maximum length of Portable Recorder to Camera cable that is safe to use?
You may want to consider looking into another alternative as well: double-system sound. The (old school) idea being that since you have a separate recorder, you don't need a connection between the ...
What is the maximum length of Portable Recorder to Camera cable that is safe to use?
Without more detail this is not directly answerable. The short answer is, the shorter the better, but the long answer depends on many factors.
The amount of electromagnetic noise in a room will ...
Do video containers influence the video quality?
The choice of container has no bearing on stream quality, which is determined solely by encoder parameters.
What may happen is that the stream could have non-standard or at least unexpected ...
How can you use ffmpeg's afftdn -sn flag to sample noise from a reference noise file?
Commands are instructions sent from an interface external to the filter, usually an external program using a ZMQ protocol. There is a filter that can execute commands which is what I'll use here.
Extract audio from video preserving audio quality
If you aren't adverse to using a terminal to extract it, FFmpeg is a very good tool that you can use. The command that you'd want to run in ffmpeg -i [input file name here] -c:a copy -vn -sn [output ...
Remove coughing or sudden loud noises
If you have Audition, try using the background noise removal effect. If you capture a clip of solely the audio you want to remove, Audition will identify that frequency and remove it wherever it ...
How do I get better sound quality when screencasting with ffmpeg without having to increase -r?
For x11grab you should be using -framerate and not -r.
Here is what you should use:
ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 25 -s ${dimensions} -i ${DISPLAY} -f alsa -ac 2 -i default -c:v libx264rgb -crf 0 -...
How can people apparently manage to capture video in such poor quality in 2022?
The short answer is compression. While cameras these days are modern marvels, the images they capture are often encoded, re-encoded, and re-encoded again as they make the trip from the camera sensor ...
Why does this script reduce the bitrate of both the video and the audio stream?
You need to add -c copy to make ffmpeg copy the bitstreams as-is. This is also called remuxing.
Otherwise it will default to re-encoding each stream, and the chosen defaults usually mean a rather low ...
How to fix this screwed part of Audio
Audio is not my expertise, i try my best.
The problems of your source are
volume is low
speech is fast
sound is dull
bass is insufficient
treble is high
I use the command to find the max ...
How to remove audio translations from the movie?
I want to cut an existing movie and want to remove all the language track from it.
ffmpeg -i -c copy -an video_only.mp4
How do I remove all the soundtracks except the one I need?
ffmpeg -i -c ...
Premier Pro Audio Quality Poor and Muffled After Export
I think this is likely to be due to out of phase audio in one of the stereo channels. Below is a copy of my answer from here: Premiere Pro audio muffled and distorted on export
(I have tried to flag ...
How to get peak audio quality and lowest video quality?
It's not entirely clear what you mean by improved audio, but here are three ffmpeg-based options that should get you what you need. Just combine the appropriate code below. I've included an audio ...
How can you use ffmpeg's afftdn -sn flag to sample noise from a reference noise file?
This worked beautifully, many thanks to @Gyan.
Just to add to the accepted answer, as I needed to do this for a large number of mp3 audio files with similar noise profiles and with a naming scheme of ...
Remove coughing or sudden loud noises
i would attempt this by trying to find the frequency of the cough and then nuking it with EQ, turning the EQ on and off when needed via automation. You might have to dip the overall level for a moment ...
Extract audio from video preserving audio quality
When using sound for speech-to-text, the quality is actually not very important. You can extract audio using ffmpeg, After Effects, Premiere, Nuke, Resolve or any editing software you like. Load in ...
Remove coughing or sudden loud noises
I think the easiest way is with the Spectral Frequency Display. Sounds like coughs, air conditioners and so on appear as blobs or lines that you can either erase or reduce in volume. Much more ...
Final Cut Pro X multiple audio channels auto muting
To my knowledge, there is no feature or even a plugin what can monitor one audio channel and adjust another. I would see that as it is the job of the editor or sound engineer. That's the reason you ...
Audio quality deteriorates on Rendering
The audio is clipping internally somewhere from the sound of it. The background noise gets louder and so does the speaking, but the speaking is getting crushed. I'd double check if there are any ...
Best way to capture audio at an event
You'll get the best audio by connecting directly to the board the sound guy is using. As you mentioned, the risk involved there is that you lean heavily on the sound guy and hope he doesn't screw up.
What type of equipment can I use to record a live rock performance as a member of the audience?
You can use portable recorder like Zoom H4n or similar. Recorders like this usually have XLR input that could be plugged directly to mixer. You'd then set input type on your recorder to line-in and ...
How to reduce background noise in the video
This answer (and the video link included within it) tells you all you need to know.
The long and the short of it is that good audio is essential to good video, and getting good audio requires its own ...
How do I round trip through premier without losing audio volume?
Premiere doesn't change the audio levels (volume or db) by default. So I'm not sure why you are experiencing loss in volume.
My guess would be that you have turned down the audio levels in premiere ...
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