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3 votes

How do I get the best reproduction when playing a digital video on a PAL CRT monitor?

Yes - if the monitor is Standard Definition PAL, then you should make sure the source video is 25fps 720x576 with interlaced fields at 50i, lower field first. S-video should give a better image than ...
tomh's user avatar
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2 votes

Is a UK PAL video tape compatible with a continental Europe PAL VHS/S-VHS player in terms of video and sound

The UK PAL VHS tapes will play back in a German PAL deck. The actual method of audio recording is not related to the PAL specification. VHS records up to two linear audio tracks. HiFi capable decks ...
I_Ridanovic's user avatar
2 votes

Convert video from 24 to 25 fps while keeping video and audio length and also correct audio pitch

Your command already achieves that. When specifying -r as an output option, ffmpeg will change the framerate of the video, duplicating or dropping frames as necessary to achieve the same overall ...
slhck's user avatar
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Why do we still shoot 23.976 if NTSC and PAL have been replaced?

23.976fps still exists because it's a standard. Cameras became designed to shoot it, non-linear editing software suites were designed to edit them, and devices were designed to play them. Even though ...
Elijah Ciali's user avatar

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