I have a large amount of DV footage, which I want to convert into a video per day.
I've tried doing this by scripting ffmpeg
ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i day1-files.txt -fflags +igndts -ac 2 -ar 32000 -vf scale=768x576,setsar=1:1,yadif sq08_output.mov
but results varied from perfect to garbled audio or video.
Then I tried this manually in Premiere Pro with the following steps:
- Import footage of a single day
- Automate to sequence
- Export media
Results were perfect (for the same clips that ffmpeg
couldn't decode).
As I have thousands of clips I don't want to repeat the Premiere Pro steps manually, so I looked into Premiere Pro scripting
I completed step 1 with app.project.importFiles
app.project.importFiles(["day1-1.mov", "day1-2.mov", "day1-3.mov"], true, app.project.rootItem, false)
I tried to do step 2 with app.project.createNewSequenceFromClips
, [app.project.rootItem.children[0]
, app.project.rootItem.children[1]
, app.project.rootItem.children[2]]
, app.project.rootItem);
But got greeted with:
createNewSequenceFromClips is not a function
How can I automate creating a sequence from a set of clips?