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8 votes

.srt subtitles added to mkv with ffmpeg are not displayed

Possibly #6037 mkv muxing broken and #7064 External subtitle files cause wrong interleaving. Workaround may be to try -max_interleave_delta. Experiment to see which values work for you.
llogan's user avatar
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How to find out the delay applied to audio tracks in an MKV file?

mkvinfo -v outputs detailed info about which media frame from which track sits at which time position. So, the task boils down to finding the first mention of a frame from a particular track. For ...
Greendrake's user avatar
1 vote

How can I remove ENCODE İNFORMATİON from mediainfo for H265 HEVC .mkv?

Use -x265-params log-level=0 Reference:
Qhan's user avatar
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How can I remove ENCODE İNFORMATİON from mediainfo for H265 HEVC .mkv?

-x265-params no-info=1 !ffmpeg -y -i -c:v libx265 -x265-params no-info=1 output.mp4 would generate MediaInfo as ...
xer-rex's user avatar
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How to disable putting black frames between concatenated media with ffmpeg?

This can happen if the "streams do not have exactly the same length". You have to specify the range to include for the items in concat.txt. Try specifying the duration or outpoint or in point: https:/...
aleb's user avatar
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1 vote

Hardsubbing ASS onto MPEG4

ffmpeg has an amazing article on burning the subs into the videos. I trust ffmpeg to be very careful with (the lack of) quality loss. Given you are dealing with ASS, here are the important bits, You ...
TAbdiukov's user avatar
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