I haven't used LightWorks recently or extensively, and I am not sure how the whole EyeFrame converter works, but if you want to change your output frame-rate, I think this link will help.
In it (the link), user HammerHead says:
You choose the project-rate when you first create your project from the projects browser (the window that you see when you first run up the app). This governs the frame-rate that all your edits are created at in that project.
Once you enter that project/room you can then change the output rate in that project using the setting you describe on the project-card. So if you're in a 25fps project, the available playback rates will be 25 & 50.
To make a 30fps project, go back to the projects-browser (by clicking the arrow icon in the lower right corner), and fill in the details at the top.
I'm pretty sure that the sentence I took the liberty of making bold, is the answer. Also, the user was asking for a 30fps video but it should work for 25fps. Read the whole link for more details.
I don't think this is what you are looking for, but here is another link, just in case.