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Questions tagged [video]

Video is the technology of electronically manipulating still images that represent motion.

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Get blur effect inside a drawn box using ass format

I have created an backdrop with rounded corners using [drawing command]. Example of dialog for backdrop. Dialogue: 0,00:00:38.60,00:00:42.10,Default,,0,0,0,,{\p1\1a&HD8&\c&HE27FA4&\pos(...
Armen Sanoyan's user avatar
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How to get frame number given a timestamp using ffmpeg

My question is based on the answer given here The question asked was How can I get the frame number closest to a given time (relative to the start of the video) ...
Max Chr.'s user avatar
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Multiple trims to a video using ffmpeg generating video with shorter duration than expected

I have an application that given a video it trims multiple parts of that video using ffmpeg. Each part is cropped, scaled and then concatenated to generate a single video. To share an example, I have ...
Gerardo's user avatar
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ffmpeg - convert MP4 to 2010 Lumix playable MJPEG

I'm new to ffmpeg and ffprobe, I started using it to convert videos to show on 3DS and DSi for an art project. Now I want to show my own videos on a Panasonic LUMIX digicam (DMC-FT2)(JPN), but have ...
user46009's user avatar
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FFMPEG replace "no video" part with an image

Using FFMPEG, I have merged a video and audio file to WEBM. But the problem is: if there is audio and no video the video file has just some stuck and still images, because there is no video recorded ...
Toomas's user avatar
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What parameters do I use for ffmpeg to encode video for a Playstation 4 so that both video and audio work even in PSVR

I have seen parameters that work for video but the audio does not play. I'm trying to watch through PSVR. That's the first headset to come out for the play station 4 console.
Stephen Brown's user avatar
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Comparison of proper cameras and phones

So I am a new at photography, and videography, and wanted to know specifically why the price and spec range is so different when comparing proper cameras and phones, mainly when comparing video. I was ...
Marcus's user avatar
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What are the best Webcam features for recording whiteboard videos in high quality

I stand in front of a whiteboard or a smartboard and teach online. Want to record my mathematics and science lecture videos (1-1.5 hours each) for YouTube but in the best quality. Many cameras provide ...
Rajiv Kakar's user avatar
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How can I record videos like this one?

I want to produce interactive videos of a few minutes like the one in the link. Is it possible to do this for free, how and with which applications? See
l6ls's user avatar
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Importing still images to Premiere Pro from Photoshop

I'm producing a documentary film. I'll be using Premiere Pro (for the first time). I have tons of still images, all prepped in Photoshop (which I've been using for years). I know Premiere can import ...
Michael Benjamin's user avatar
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Is there an efficient (and also free or cheap) way to turn a video file into a time based composite image?

I'm doing a physics project with my math class. My students recorded a videos of balls being dropped. (We are studying acceleration and how to model motion with quadratic equations.) The goal is to ...
David Elm's user avatar
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How do I align many images of a specific landmark?

Every day, on my commute to school, I took a picture of a tall building in the distance from the same place. Now that the school year's over, I'd like to make a video containing all the photos in ...
Christopher Miller's user avatar
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ffmpeg - set dynamic pts on video

I try to set pts for each frame of the input video. Here is the command I use to slowdown frame 1 and speed up frame 2: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -filter_complex "[0:v]setpts='PTS*2*eq(N,0)+PTS*0.5*eq(...
legeba's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Trouble using if statement with overlay

I would like to apply a .png on two frames of my input video but I'm having trouble using an if statement to determine the location of the overlay. Expected: Frame n°7 -> Frame n°7 + overlay.png ...
legeba's user avatar
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How can I convert H.264 to NTSC for analog video transmission?

For a UAV project we're using an Nvidia Jetson Nano as our mission computer on a fixed wing for object recognition purposes and we agreed that analog video transmission, widely popular with fpv drones,...
Tuğra TÜRKÜCÜ's user avatar
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How do I make a numbered list in adobe after effects?

I need to make an animation with a numbered list. So that the squares with the text "Task 1, task 2 ..." move to the left and the first one disappears from the left, and then the next ...
Георгий Мишарин's user avatar
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What is the Resolution and Frame Rate/Bitrate limitation for VP8 Codec

As per the documentation of VP9 Codec in Wikipedia VP9 has the concept of Profile and Level. Based on these profiles and levels it also has some limitations on Resolution/Frame Rate/ Bitrate as ...
d0tb0t's user avatar
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What exactly do FFmpeg options `-itsoffset` and `-itsscale` do?

If I understand correctly, the answer at Lossless A/V delay with ffmpeg seems to suggest that option -itsoffset leads to additional metadata, called "editlist", being added to the video file....
finefoot's user avatar
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How to delay beginning of audio without re-encoding?

I have a file containing both video and audio stream. I want to delay the audio by 5 seconds relative to the beginning of the video, without having to do any re-encoding. The command I tried was: ...
finefoot's user avatar
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In which order do `-itsscale` and `-itsoffset` apply in my FFmpeg command?

I want to use both -itsscale and -itsoffset in my FFmpeg command, but couldn't find any information in the docs or elsewhere, if the order, in which they're mentioned in ...
finefoot's user avatar
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ffmpeg: smooth zoompan with no jiggle

I'm trying to apply a smooth zoom effect to my 5-second video using FFmpeg, but I'm encountering a shaky/jittery zoom. Here's the command I'm using: ffmpeg -i island_zoom.mp4 -vf "zoompan=z='min(...
Kataklycm's user avatar
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How to remove text from video

I tried many techniques and ai tools to remove text from my video but I still can't get desired results so can anyone help me *Text is at centre so can't crop it
AP creations's user avatar
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How to access a video as *apm file in OBS?

I'm an OBS newbie and completely screwed up by mistakenly saving my video output as an *.apm (audio) file. I tried to extract the file from the apm wrapper using GIMP (Mac) and Image Converter Plus (...
Scott Marshall's user avatar
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Transporting Video Signal Over Optical Fiber

I have stumbled upon an issue while doing an application. In this application there is an existing multimode fiber which is installed. We will be using Sony PXW-Z90 and QuestTel's optical extenders. ...
JohnMoore1000's user avatar
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Galaxy A03s Not Recording at 30 FPS Constant - Mouth Movement and Audio Out of Sync

I have an unlocked Samsung Galaxy A03s [1]. Per the Samsung website, it's supposed to be specked at FHD (1920 x 1080)@30fps. Unfortunately, I almost never get it to actually record at 30fps constant. ...
Shawn Eary's user avatar
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How to concat videos and images with ffmpeg

I have videos and images. I want to concatenate them. And I want the images to be displayed for specific duration, say 10 seconds. If I first convert image to video and concate, it works ffmpeg -y -...
ARTEM DIACHUK's user avatar
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How to concat several video clips with different property using ffmpeg

I want to concat several videos using ffmpeg. I have 1.mp4 2.mp4 3.mp4 files I used this command ffmpeg -y -i 1.mp4 -i 2.mp4 -i 3.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=0:10,scale=1920:1080,setsar=1[v0];[...
ARTEM DIACHUK's user avatar
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Fix video files which have aspect ratio 1:1

I'm using VideoProc Converter to convert several video clips. The video clips are in different format. My purpose is to make all of them in same format with 1080p resolution and 30 fps. I've noticed ...
Donotalo's user avatar
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Right pypeline to shoot crowd on chromakey, to add 3d on post

I NEED THIS TYPE OF PRODUCTION+VFX+3D ANIMATION VFX+3D My storyboard of the scene: If We shoot the crowd on a chromakey from these angles, which option would be easier and faster: To make a full 3D ...
antony's user avatar
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Bulk crop, change speed, volume, zoom, contrast etc Videos

I want to edit some videos in batch, i want to be able to change volume, speed, zoom, contrast, volume and also be able to crop the videos. I want to be able to adjust all the mentioned options.
Marian Pepa's user avatar
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Search for a text in a video (text is from the images, not the speech)

I'd like to be able to search for a text in a video. E.g., if a video frame contains the text "Interactive", then I'd like the solution to point to that frame if I search for this word: (...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Processing h264 video/audio stream

I have separate raw audio and video frames from a camera that I'm trying to merge to a single file. Video processing I have JVT NAL sequence, H.264 video, main @ L 31 data, I had the frames separated ...
Dinamo's user avatar
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What does video frames per second mean?

I am a newbie to photography and i keep hear 60fps. What does that mean? And how can it have an impact on my videos?
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What would be the most efficient codec for streaming long videos?

I have a video streaming website that has videos with lengths of around 3 hours, and video file sizes going between 2GB and 5GB for 720p and 1080p ~30fps H.264 AAC videos. There are some outliers (...
kataba's user avatar
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Where to find up-to-date video compatibility reference?

I am developing a video streaming website and trying to decide on what the best video containers and codecs would be for its use. For this, I need to know what the compatibility of each OS and browser ...
kataba's user avatar
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ffmpeg fails to load lensfun database

I'm trying to correct lens distortion of a video. I use below code that I took from here: (I just change the input and output file paths). ffmpeg -i ...
filibis's user avatar
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Splitting videos andsubtitles together

I am involved in a project where we would have a video with srt or vtt subtitles and we will need to split it into multiple shorter videos with the subtitles adjusted accordingly for each of the split ...
user3474704's user avatar
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(VSDC) Can you apply a DeLogo filter to an ellipse shape?

I usually use DeLogo under Video Effects/Filter options. Now I am wondering if one can create an Ellipse that has the DeLogo effects applied. I attempted this by creating an ellipse object and then ...
Will Kim's user avatar
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Ffmpeg dynamic cropping for every frame

I have different crop parameters for every frame. I was using sendcmd but apparently, that is not working. This is the format of my sendcmd file 0.00 crop 'w=466:h=432:x=1373:y=336'; 0.02 crop 'w=324:...
Aman Mehta's user avatar
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How to insert alternate frames from multipule video sources to create a single output file using ffmpeg

I have a 4K 50fps video file that is split into 4 quadrants (only 3 are needed). It is generated by a slow motion camera running at 150 FPS. Each of the quadrants contains the same image shifted by a ...
openelectron's user avatar
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Videos of interacting art (from two different types of art genres)

I was unsure about whether to post this on the Computer Graphics stack exchange. I could also have chosen the Graphic Design stack exchange or the Arts & Crafts stack exchange. However, as you ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Downloading an HLS stream: ONLY in sync when downloading with ffmpeg. Possible explanations?

I'm trying to download a livestream that is just a plain hls with no encryption. I usually use streamlink, but this site I'm trying to use recently doesn't output a correct video/audio synced output ...
R.JEON's user avatar
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Setup with two monitors, show overlay on one but not on the other

I am setting up a musical project where our ensemble (5 people) will play live music to a silent movie. We seek the best setup for a live performance where: the audience sees just the movie (monitor ...
tomdeneckere's user avatar
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Where to find alternative audio tracks for TV series

How can I add several audio tracks with different translations to a series, as film sites do in some series with 10 translations, where can I find them?
Aleksander's user avatar
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Removing myself from mirror

I'm going to shoot a real estate type of video of a local fashion/beauty salon (well, not a typical real estate video, I just need to showcase the studio which only has 2-3 rooms, that's it). The ...
Laszlo's user avatar
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How to make sound layers visible on right side of screen in Davinci Resolve

I have used Davinci in Windows but I'm new on mac. So I would like to learn how to display sound bus, layer visualization bigger. I've tried to show which I meant in attached image. Thanks.
Kagifer's user avatar
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I am trying to do black and white video, while leaving just one color / color range. I was told "ColorHold" filter can do this. But, when I run it with different encoders; I either get a ...
scm360's user avatar
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When I attempt to live a video in an infinite loop using the ffmpeg command, it automatically terminates after

When attempting to continuously loop a video using the ffmpeg command with the following syntax: ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i abc.mp4 -c copy -f flv rtmps:// I encounter an issue where ...
Isteyak Ali's user avatar
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How can I use FFMPEG to convert video to black and white, but leave one color / color range?

I have been researching and cannot find anything on how to preserve just one color / color range while converting a video to greyscale / black & white using FFMPEG. For example; all black and ...
scm360's user avatar
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machine hangs during ffmpeg command execution

I'm running this ffmpeg command that does multiple trims on input video and concats those trims to generate output. ffmpeg -i
Tejas's user avatar
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