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Questions tagged [short]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What's the use-case of the Video Snapshot function on Canon cameras?

While browsing the video settings on my Canon 77D, I came across a peculiar function: What is the Video Snapshot function? The Video Snapshot function enables you to shoot short scenes that last for ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Command line approach to taking a 16:9 video and creating a 1080x1920 YouTube short?

Is there a way of using ffmpeg or similar, taking a 1920x1080 video, cut out the middle bit for creating a 1080x1920 YouTube short and then getting it to upscale the middle bit? EDIT: I think this is ...
Vita Vita's user avatar
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Getting inspiration for a first short film

I have a large amount of photo and video kit, and have always enjoyed casual photography and videography. I really want to make a short film, just for the sake of it, for the enjoyment of the ...
Digital Lightcraft's user avatar