Have more then 1000 mxf files.
Is there a software that can bulk check all of them for any kind of corruption/integrity ?
I found several answers on stackexchange but all include Linux commands that I am not sure how to use since I am on win10.
Any sort of user friendly software would be great, like handbrake or media encoder ?
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1 Answer
There are several widely adopted file-based QC systems on the market. They include:
Note that as of NAB NY 2019, Telestream had not announced plans for what will happen with Vidchecker and Aurora after the Tektronix acquisition.
Thx! These all seem as tools for large broadcasters, and I guess the price is heavy (none are available to see online).– Azz KawaCommented Mar 5, 2020 at 13:39
They are not only used by large broadcasters. I know of many post houses that use one of the systems I listed or similar alternatives. Feel free to update the question with what your budget is. Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 19:16