I have hundreds of videos in storage I need to distribute online. I'd like to do the following for each clip:
- Add a pre-roll video
- Process the audio (audio leveling, generic hiss/noise reduction for speaking (no music or other sound))
- Add a title overlay at the beginning and end (could be same for all videos, but would like to pull from a spreadsheet to individualize each video if easily accomplished)
- Convert video from AVCHD 1080p24 to format(s) suitable for Youtube and Vimeo with as little loss of quality as possible.
While static overlays are fine, it would be nice if things were animatable to add a bit more interest to the final product.
I'm a programmer, so I'm fine with scripting. My primary video system is an older windows 7 64 bit machine with a quad-core i7 and 16GB RAM. I'd be fine turning it into a linux machine temporarily if there are better workflows in that environment. I also have a quad core i7 OS X laptop with 16GB memory, but the disk is slower. There's no particular deadline, so if chewing through these videos slowly can be done cheaply, then that's better than paying for quick conversion, but speed would be nice, particularly if I can task multiple machines to the conversion easily on my network.
I'd prefer not to spend more money, but if there's software that can help me out significantly then buying the correct software might be acceptable.
How do I accomplish this task without spending months individually editing each video once or twice a day?