I've got some super 8 video from 1975 that I had digitized, and the color is pretty wonky (here's a screen capture, we're actually skiing down a snow-covered road)

enter image description here

I assume it's the film itself and not the digitization, but now what? I don't have a professional editing setup, but I do have Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11.0 which has a color corrector filter but I have no idea how to set the color corrector to improve the video.

color corrector

How do I figure out what settings to use? Will this tool do what I need?

1 Answer 1


enter image description here

Play with color corrector controls. Use "High" control to adjust snow to the tint you prefer, use "Mid" and "Low" to adjust face and hat. As you see, I moved "High" and "Mid" to the green/blue zone to offset red tint, but I moved "Low" to the red/yellow zone because this way the face and the hat looks better to me.

Or you can convert it to black and white with the Black and White effect.

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