Here is my current command :

ffmpeg -i [videoFilepath] -i [musicFile] -stream_loop -1 -shortest -filter_complex "[1]volume=0.15:enable=between(t\,4\,10)+between(t\,14\,20)[a1];[0:a][a1]amix=inputs=2" -map 0:v:0 [outputFilepath]

What it does :

  • Takes a video file as an input
  • Takes a music file as an input
  • Loops the music if it is shorter than the video duration
  • If the music is longer, outputs a file the duration of the video
  • Reduce volume by 85% between 4 and 10 seconds as well as between 14 and 20 seconds
  • Mixes the 2 audio streams so we have both the original video audio non-filtered and the music with the volume filter
  • Outputs a video file

I want the volume filter to ease-in and ease-out for a duration of 1 second, instead of abruptly changing. Is this possible ?

1 Answer 1


A quick, maybe imperfect solution – use an expression in the volume filter, e.g. for linearly decreasing volume from 1 to 0.15 in the time interval between 4th and 5th second:


For time t=4, the volume will evaluate to 1, for t=5 it will be 0.15:

for t=4:    1 - 0.85 / (5-4) * (4-4) = 1 - 0.85 / (10-4) * 0 = 1 - 0 = 1
for t=5:    1 - 0.85 / (5-4) * (5-4) = 1 - 0.85 = 0.15 

enter image description here

You may use (nested) if functions for evaluating the volume value in different time intervals of your audio stream.

For example, to keep the value 1 for the first 4 seconds you may extend the previous formula


with the help of the lt (less than) function into


enter image description here

and then – for keeping the value 0.15 after 5th second – into


enter image description here

And so on, always rewriting the last item with a new if function.

Of course, the resulting expression is not the optimal one, but the procedure is pretty straightforward.

  • Hi. Thank you for your answer @MarianD. From your question i came up with this function to decrease the volume : 1 - [ (1 - percentage) / ( stop - start) ] * ( time - start) And this is for the linearly increasing the volume : 1 - [ (1 - percentage) / (stop - start) ] * (stop - time) My question is now : I want the volume to decrease to 15% over 1s then stay at the same level between 2 times and finally increase back up to 100% over 1s. How would i go about doing that ?
    – Nobunaji
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 7:37
  • @Nobunaji, I extended my answer to show you how to progressively build the expression for your particular need.
    – MarianD
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 22:44
  • finally: ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "aevalsrc=sin(440*2*PI*t)" -af " volume='if(lt(t,4)+between(t,10,14)+gt(t,20),1, if(between(t,4,5),1-0.85*(t-4), if(between(t,9,10),0.15+0.85*(t-9), if(between(t,14,15),1-0.85*(t-14), if(between(t,19,20),0.15+0.85*(t-19), 0.15)))))':eval=frame " -b:a 320k -t 23 -y /tmp/out.mp3 Commented Jun 3, 2023 at 4:17
  • @БаярГончикжапов, nice, you are a smart man – why not to put it as another answer and gain some reputation points?
    – MarianD
    Commented Jun 3, 2023 at 14:34
  • @MarianD Why in your expression you put if(lt(t\,4),1,if(lt(t\,5),1-0.85/(5-4)*(t-4),0.15)) and not if(lt(t, 4), 1), if(lt(t, 5), 1-0.85/(5-4)*(t-4),0.15)) ? This makes more sense to me than to have one if inside of another.
    – Nobunaji
    Commented Jun 5, 2023 at 8:08

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