As a hobby project, I am looking into how difficult it would be to regrade the Buffy HD releases to match the colour grading of the original. I haven't done much colour correction in the past at all, so I have very little experience to draw on. I'm running into a curious situation, where different parts of the same frame seem to be graded differently. Here's a shot of Buffy wearing a white shirt, and in each of these samples, the HD source with my filters is on the left and the right is the unaltered UK DVD release:
I am fiddling with White Balance, Curves and Lift/Balance/Gain in kdenlive, and I'm finding I can make the face match, or the shirt match, but not both at the same time. The shirt wants to be more blue while the face wants to be more green/red. Is there some sort of nonlinear filter I can use to get this effect, or, I dunno, was the original done by actually applying different functions to different parts of each frame?