Folks, I am trying to add text to an mp4 file. Seems easy enough right? But once the new mp4 file is generated, the new file has half the width of the original file and is higher. It is almost like it switches the mp4 file from landscape to portrait? Here is the command I am using:
ffmpeg -i file01.mp4 -vf drawtext="text='Text Here': fontcolor=white: fontsize=24: box=1: [email protected]: boxborderw=5: x=(w-text_w)/2: y=(h-text_h)/2: enable='between(t,20,30)'" -codec:a copy file01Text01.mp4
I then attempted to stop drawtext from distorting the video stream but this results in an error:
ffmpeg -i file01.mp4 -vf drawtext="text='Text Here': fontcolor=white: fontsize=24: box=1: [email protected]: boxborderw=5: x=(w-text_w)/2: y=(h-text_h)/2: enable='between(t,20,30)'" -c copy file01Text01.mp4
Any help on seeing how I can modify the command so that the video width/height is not changed would be appreciated. Thank you.
to avoid that.-metadata:s:v rotate=0
before the output filename.