When we watch a movie we can hear background music and voices of actors. We also hear sound effects. When we watch a DVD movie the voice and background music merged inside a language track such as English language audio track. Audacity is program used to mix voice-overs and music. It is hard to create an audio track in another language if there is not a separate sound track. It is easy to dub a movie when there is a sound track.

  1. When creating Hollywood movies, are there separate vocal track and a music track?
  2. Is there a separate track for sound effects?
  3. How do you mix voice and music tracks and convert it into a language track?
  4. What is the software used to mix the tracks in question 3?
  5. What is an original sound track (OST)?
  6. Is the original sound track (OST) used when dubbing a movie?

Thanks in advance.

  • 1
    We encourage one focused question per post. It would be better if you asked three or more separate questions, maybe 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6, which seem to be related topics
    – Jim Mack
    Commented Sep 16, 2015 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


To answer only the first part, film sound is often split into three parts: music, effects, and dialog. This allows dialog to be replaced for dubbing. This isn't a hard-and-fast rule but it's the general way it's been done for a long time.

This is not how the sound is released, though. For release these are combined into a theatrical mix of two or more (for surround) channels, so the original three-track mix is no longer in play.

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