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How do I align many images of a specific landmark?

Every day, on my commute to school, I took a picture of a tall building in the distance from the same place. Now that the school year's over, I'd like to make a video containing all the photos in ...
Christopher Miller's user avatar
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2 answers

Do people fundraise to help someone buy a camera?

I have been borrowing my library's camera the past few months and am getting sick of it. I want to buy my own camera, but the camera I want costs around $1600. I do not have that money but really want ...
VRM's user avatar
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Sample K representative frames within a video

I have an image-based processing module that takes photos for some computer vision processing. I have many videos, but I need to sample representative frames as its inputs, preferably those frames ...
angel_30's user avatar
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3 answers

Windows - Easy to use video editor

I want to make a video using photos and video snips and add titles freely. Is there any user-friendly software to do so? I don't have much time for complicated software right now. So I'm looking for ...
Wonder's user avatar
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Keeping metadata (time/date) when extracting frames from video

Circumstances I recently started to extract frames from videos (GoPro) for underwater photography. I'm currently using Adobe Premiere Pro to do so, which works, but when I imported these new photos ...
Julian Honma's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Best Program for combining Images and Videos onto a DVD with menu

I thought there would be 100 and 1 good solutions for this but so far I have not found something that could all of the following: Create a DVD-player DVD Have a menu with options Have images & ...
chrispepper1989's user avatar
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adding depth and motion to images for video

I was struck by some of the effects in the "god made a farmer" superbowl commercial... and was curious what programs are out there that let you take an image, and in a video, produce the illusion of......
tbischel's user avatar
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