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Suitable alternative to Quicktime RLE for alpha-containing non-cartoon videos?

I'm producing a product that involves a composition of several videos, over alpha layers, and there are surprisingly few options aside from image lists. Quicktime's RLE (Run-Length Encoding) codec ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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How can I build a MOV (QT-rle) file with minimal unnecessary features?

I understand that my title requires further specification, so allow me to elaborate. I recently finished a model in Blender and rendered 1000 frames to PNG with alpha. The total size was roughly 2 GB ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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Does YouTube accept AviSynth .avs scripts for uploading?

Without reencoding videos first? Is it possible to browse for .avs file and upload it, provided AviSynth is properly installed locally?
ivan866's user avatar
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What is the difference between .mts and .mp4 video files, and which is better to edit?

I know that .mts video files use MPEG-4 video compression. But why then don't they just have the .mp4 file name extension? Since they don't, this means they are not digitally nor conceptually ...
user610620's user avatar
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Decrease video size post-editing

I am using a video editing software to edit my videos for YouTube. The scenario is as below: Input file size: 80mb. Input type: webm. My expectation after editing : Video size: around 100mb. (Any ...
Praneet Dixit's user avatar
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If I limit the color spectrum of a video, will it compress to a smaller file size?

I know that in exporting images, if I use an indexed color format when I save (such as GIF or PNG with indexed color mode), I can dramatically reduce the file size of the resulting export. My ...
David Rhoderick's user avatar
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Big difference in the video file size after the conversion (.mov to .mp4)

After converting from .mov into .mp4, a video file is greatly reduced in size (.mov - 75,2mb .mp4 - 11,9mb) - does this mean that the converted video degraded (loss of color information, or the ...
Rumata's user avatar
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Compressing a large MP4 file that is on 2.30mins long

I have been sent a video that is only 2.30 mins long. But is a whopping 168mb, unfortunetely this has to be embedded into an app - so I need it as small as possible. I need to get the file size down ...
me9867's user avatar
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How to drastically reduce size of very simple video?

I've got a series of videos that I'm looking to drastically reduce in size. The video content is very simple: text animating on white background with a voice track on top. The text is mostly just ...
Rogare's user avatar
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Need to reach a low data rate of about 1.5 - 2 MB/min (200 - 267 kb/s)

I am working on a project involving live streaming. My goal is to reach a data rate of no more than 200 - 267 kb/s when streaming. Is it possible to reach such low rate while keeping an acceptable fps ...
Joe's user avatar
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2 answers

Best format for audio track with a single/few images

What would be the best (e.g. most compact) format for a "video" that is actually an audio track with a single static image the whole time? (example) And if it was not one static image, but a slow ...
Baruch's user avatar
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