I have a light background in CAD and modelling, and I want to use some virtual sets with motion capture.
I'm trying to determine what program/platform my next 3D model should use if I want to work with someone to place an actor in there, with camera movements.
I have some models I've already built, but I can rebuild them if I need to use a new program.
Q: Are there standard model file formats that mocap systems use? What are they?
Q: what about the camera mocap data?
I am just now learning about the pipeline for this, so if I've made inaccurate assumptions somewhere here, please feel free to correct me.
I believe it goes like:
- the "live" crew captures footage of an actor, either with a mocap suit on, or not
- somehow there is camera motion data captured from this process
- if a mocap suit is used, somehow it is captured from this process
- the "virtual" crew builds models for sets, lighting models, and possibly character models to use the mocap data
- once both are finished, a renderer composites the motion with the models for a finished product