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Warrior Bob
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Change from I'm not happy with Final Cut Pro (X) to. What are my options?

I'm a editor who has been editing with FCPFinal Cut Pro for the last couple of years and I'm not impressed with the new FCPX, any suggestion on a NLEFinal Cut Pro X. I'm interested in looking for another NLE, such as Avid, or Premiere or something else. What would you recommend in this situation?

Change from Final Cut (X) to?

I'm a editor who has been editing with FCP for the last couple of years and I'm not impressed with the new FCPX, any suggestion on a NLE, Avid, Premiere or else?

I'm not happy with Final Cut Pro (X). What are my options?

I'm a editor who has been editing with Final Cut Pro for the last couple of years and I'm not impressed with the new Final Cut Pro X. I'm interested in looking for another NLE, such as Avid or Premiere or something else. What would you recommend in this situation?

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