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user1118321's user avatar
user1118321's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
7 votes

Is lighting a green screen necessary?

7 votes

Extract person from video

6 votes

Video editing software like iMovie, for Windows?

5 votes

4k vs. 1080p on a 1080p monitor

5 votes

What are Grey Balls used for?

5 votes

Why Camtasia always produce video with a low quality, even if I record in 1280p, for example?

4 votes

Why are there so many color spaces available?

4 votes

What are these two things on the side of a stage?

4 votes

How to create a glitch effect

4 votes

How can I specify time for text titles in iMovie for iOS

3 votes

Video production basics for a noob

3 votes

Why does compressor output 960x540 when frame size is specified "up to 1280x720"?

3 votes

Is 4K good enough to choose for special footage such as weddings?

3 votes

Add noise to video while maintaining compressibility

3 votes

Why processor is "better" for encoding than GPU?

3 votes

Final Cut Pro - does 2GB vs 4 GB video memory make a difference

2 votes

Embedding another video to "blend" with the environment

2 votes

Technical name for this? (PIP picture in picture with transparent background via green screen, chroma key)

2 votes

How to create a pseudo 3D/virtual POV effect

2 votes

How to avoid noise when filming dark red

2 votes

Sharp drop in FPS while recording

2 votes

Even though Apple Motion is used with FCP could I still use it with iMovie?

2 votes

Remove Greenscreen Reflections?

2 votes

diffculties using Manual mode with Canon DSLR 650D

2 votes

Need to learn about Video stitching

2 votes

How are traditional animated matte paintings made?

2 votes

Why don't phones correct vertical filming?

2 votes

How to achieve trippy breathing effect (visual drifting) on static photo

2 votes

Slowing down footage with easing (like iPhone 5s)

2 votes

IMovie 11 to FCP 10.1