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3 votes

How do I remove night footage from 300 days of Time lapse video

Using ffmpeg, a command line tool, you can use ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf select='trunc(mod(t+2,3))',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB -crf 23 out.mp4 The select filter is used on the video stream. This filter ...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to automatically fix lighting conditions in different shots in a timelapse?

There are plugins that adjust exposure over time to reduce flickering in timelapses - GBDeflicker works well. (But it won't change night to day or anything like that). See also: Correcting exposure ...
tomh's user avatar
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Quality of time lapse from images

You are approaching the problem at hand very well, you have however not used the most quality-preserving solution available. I recommend that you take your raw image files and import them into Adobe ...
Sondelll's user avatar
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How to speed up video by more than 100x

If you want a free one off option, I would recommend using ffmpeg. Don't let commandline put you off, there's a ton of helpful stuff that will let you build a one off command to do this. Here's a ...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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what the difference between 24/30/60 frames per second in the context of a 7 day/night time lapse video?

When you record a timelapse video over a long period of time, you usually only take a single image, then pause for a specific length of time, then take the next image. Frames per second are usually ...
tomh's user avatar
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Blending images together to form a single exposure

'Not sure if it works well if the camera is not fixed in one position.' Correct. If you're doing time-lapse you need to have the camera stabilised somehow, or it's going to look wobbly AF. If the ...
stib's user avatar
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Timelapse Android App Image Sequence

Try "Intervalometer" it works as an overlay app over your stock camera app. You can also try to do your own script with app like "Tasker". BTW: Old version of Camera FV-5 worked ...
Apacz's user avatar
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Adobe Media Encoder rendering issue

I actually was able to find the answer to my question in point 2. here Simple add the sequence to the After Effects Render Queue: And from there open it in AME, where the preview will work perfectly ...
cBeTyLkaTa's user avatar
1 vote

How to get Premiere Pro to use NVIDIA GPU

You need to make sure that your graphics card model is listed within the file "cuda_supported_cards.txt" which can be found in the "Common" folder of where you've installed Premier ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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Resize images for timelapse before editing or at export of finished video?

This question has some time, but I would like to comment. Efficiency In my opinion, the first step would be a batch resize and crop. Do not overwrite the original, but generate a copy instead. There ...
Rafael's user avatar
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How to smooth/correct sudden exposure changes caused by camera while filming?

Do you have AE? In AE you can use the color stabilizer effect. Import your project to AE, add the color stabilizer onto the clip, change stabilizer to brightness, qnd choose a point that should be ...
Timothy Lukas H.'s user avatar
1 vote

ffmpeg alternative to setpts for making a survey gif

Assuming you want a 30 fps 2.5m GIF, use ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -vf "select='not(mod(n,trunc(234/2.5)))',palettegen" palette.png and ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -i palette.png -filter_complex "[0]select='...
Gyan's user avatar
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How to Achieve This Timelapse Effect

That is something called Starlapse. In short it is a form of time-lapse, as you use the same techniques to shoot it but you use a different method to produce the final video. there are many ways in ...
Adam Mann Pro's user avatar
1 vote

How to render a smooth timelapse from 30FPS video?

I ain't sure if this will work but better than nothing! Here two of my approaches to this problem: Warp Stabilization Software such as Mocha, AE and many others have Warp Stabilization. What is means ...
Inderdeep B.'s user avatar

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