3 votes

Thunderbolt 3 & eGPU viable for Video Processing?

I've looked into this recently myself, given that the MBP line is not exactly a workhorse when it comes to GPU processing. eGPUs are actually being done now over TB2, with great success. I have a ...
snomsnomsnom's user avatar
1 vote

What Options Are There for Importing Mini DV and Hi-8 Tapes to Thunderbolt?

Well for MiniDV, you want to find yourself should budget permit, the Canopus ADVC Conversion Unit. It is by far the best realtime hardware (external small box about the size of a VHS tape), that will ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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Thunderbolt 3 & eGPU viable for Video Processing?

For completeness, and in the interest of non-Mac users who may see this question in the future, I should share links to a couple other eGPU products that are commercially available today (April 2016, ...
snomsnomsnom's user avatar

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