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About Video Formats and prevention of download of videos

If you don't want your stuff to be stolen, don't put it on the internet People need to be able to watch your video on their computers. For that purpose, it needs to be downloaded to their computers. ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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What it means "a royalty free alternative" to video/audio (WebM format)

It's a quite complex topic, but yes, when dealing with non-royalty-free technologies you are in some cases required to pay royalties to the patent holders, depending on your usage. This usually ...
mcont's user avatar
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Can I use unlicensed music in a birthday video and take money for my editing work?

I am not a lawyer and it may depend on where you are located, but generally speaking, even if you weren't being paid, this is technically a violation of copyright that you could be sued over. It is ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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Using a creative commons image in a video

Is such video a derivate work of the images? Yes. If the answer is yes, then how one could include images in a video without making it a derivate work? You can't. At least not if the images are ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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If an image under a CC-SA license gets used in video - must video be CC-SA?

It really depends on whether your video constitutes a collective work or a derivative work. The legal deed for the CC-BY-SA licence makes this distinction: * "Collective Work" means a work, such ...
Copyright Peep's user avatar
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License for using background music in my video?

Having licensed music for videos I've produced; from having custom tracks re-recorded by one of Audio Jungles top artists (1 Million in Sales); to one hit wonders who had radio airplay; to even Katy ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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News media copyright?

In the US, fair use, the doctrine of copyright law that permits limited use of copyrighted material without needing to obtain permission first, is measured by four criteria. It doesn't matter whether ...
Michael Liebman's user avatar
2 votes

How to use copyrighted music or sfx in a youtube video without resorting to fair use

The easiest way to do this is to use rights approved music from a production music library service (eg AudioNetwork). You need to pay for the music to do this, but the prices are usually fairly low. ...
tomh's user avatar
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Is copyright infringed when any animation is redone?

Copyright laws or similar intellectual property laws usually protect creative works or excerpts from such works but not the ideas nor techniques that were used to create these works. What you intend ...
Matt's user avatar
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how do I can check whether a sound clip I want to use is copyrighted? (I want to use it in a video and an app also)

Please note, for this answer I use the term copyright as a synonym for whatever law is applicable in your country that deals with protecting intellectual property rights for creative works. Some ...
Matt's user avatar
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How can one remove an image from a screenshare recording?

One way to do it is to overlay the relevant part of the presentation with another image (could be a blank image). This is called picture in picture, which is often used to overlay another video across ...
Matt's user avatar
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Will a Youtube video with clips from a copyright protected anime website (AnimeID) be taken down even if I give credit in the video and description?

It's a strange case. In court, you would win because you're using the footage under the "fair use" regulations. However, many videos still get claimed wrongfully. You can request a manual review, and ...
Florian Claaßen's user avatar
1 vote

Will a Youtube video with clips from a copyright protected anime website (AnimeID) be taken down even if I give credit in the video and description?

An algorithm decides that. It can go both directions. The system is not smart enough to correctly decide if your video meets the cirteria for fair use/citation. In case of a wrong decision you can ...
Matt's user avatar
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What it means "a royalty free alternative" to video/audio (WebM format)

It's worth noting in addition to @mcont's excellent answer, royalties for h.264 (the most popular encoder on the internet) are only applicable if you are charging viewers to watch, and then only when ...
stib's user avatar
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What are the chances to get copyright claim because of using a song in a youtube video?

It's hard to say. In my experience, copyright analysis is near real time, and my experience has been that the algorithm identifies and blocks copyrighted material in minutes. No one needs to contact ...
pojo-guy's user avatar
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Is one able to "override" the terms of the Youtube Standard Licence with a slightly stricter Creative Commons than is allowed by the interface?

Don't do it As @Mulvya mentioned, it is not a good idea to attempt to 'overwrite' the CC licence set in the video settings by putting a disclaimer in your video or video description. Apart from the ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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