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6 votes

4:3 video has 720x480 resolution

There are 2 different things: The real width and height of frames (in pixels) – see the green part of the following picture. The displayed width and height (during the playback) – see the blue part ...
MarianD's user avatar
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4:3 video has 720x480 resolution

525/60 digitized SD video according to Rec. 601 is indeed 720 pixels wide, 480 pixels high, including some blanking on the sides. Digital equivalent of 625/50 is 720x576. In both cases, frame aspect ...
Rusty Core's user avatar
5 votes

Resizing a video in Premiere without scaling

Create a sequence that is 720x720, drag the clip on to the timeline, and in the canvas window use the arrow tool v to double click the layer which brings up the layer controls. Position it the way you ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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4 votes

In what aspect ratio shoud one record with a DSLR?

When you take a photo with a Modern camera "usually" it's 4/3, I know you can change the aspect ratio, but that's not my point. I assume, that the sensors of DSLR cameras are the same ratio, because ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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How to make video play with correct aspect ratio

For a H264 stream, use the h264_metadata bitstream filter ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v "h264_metadata=sample_aspect_ratio=4/3" out.mp4
Gyan's user avatar
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3 votes

Best strategy to keep aspect ratio consistent for all videos having any resolution

If you want the output resolution to be 1280x720 and the video keeps its original ratio aspect as well: ffmpeg -v error -stats -i input -vf "scale=1280:720:force_original_aspect_ratio=1,pad=1280:720:...
Rami Magdi's user avatar
3 votes

How to concatenate multiple videos while maintaining original aspect ratio?

how can I concatenate different videos while maintaining the original quality and aspect ratio? using concat demuxer Make text file containing: file '1.mp4' file '2.mp4' Run ffmpeg: ffmpeg -f ...
llogan's user avatar
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2 votes

DVD not displaying full picture

You will need to work within the title safe areas when burning to DVD as depending on what the final player will be, there might be overscan which will/can crop anything out that is not within this ...
Adam Mann Pro's user avatar
2 votes

How to convert a 2:21:1 video to 16:9 DVD using ffmpeg?

Having seen the sample, this is the command ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf pad=720:576:0:144,setdar=4/3 -target pal-dvd out.mpg The video is square-pixel, so scaling is not required. The frame should be ...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

Add border to video, maintaing aspect ratio, and insert subtitles in the border

You can use FFmpeg, a free command line tool to do this: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf pad=1920:1080:0:140, -crf 20 -c:a copy out.mkv The subtitles filter accepts ASS styling ...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

Extending the size of the video shot on iPhone

Unfortunately, the screen is showing the whole frame. That is all that your camera recorded. It did not record anything to the left or right of what you see. On YouTube, where many people shoot their ...
BrettFromLA's user avatar
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2 votes

4:3 - 16:9 Aspect Ratio Conversion with Pillarbox and Textbox

A small bit on terminology :- SD and HD refers to resolution - in the basic sense of the word, not dimensions. A given video can be wide or tall or square while being SD or HD. It's the legacy of ...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

Sony Vegas Pro 12 - 4/3 video wrongly considered as 16/9

I did not manage to solve the source problem, but I found how to overcome the consequences. It is indeed possible to edit the aspect ratio of the rendered video using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i <...
Blacksad's user avatar
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2 votes

Merge Video with aspect ratio in FFMPEG

You need to use a canvas which can accommodate all inputs. To adapt this canvas during runtime, we can use the scale2ref filter. ffmpeg -i video1 -i video2 -f lavfi -i color -filter_complex "[2][0]...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make video play with correct aspect ratio

If you want to change the Sample Aspect Ratio (aka Pixel Aspect Ratio) without reencoding use mkvmerge or mp4box: mkvmerge mkvmerge -o "out.mp4" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:4/3 "in.mp4" mp4box mp4box -...
drake7's user avatar
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2 votes

Preview Aspect Ratio on Camera LCD Screen

Apply a screen protector to the LCD and use a permanent marker to draw the aspect ratio you want to frame for. Relatively inexpensive, easy to add, and completely safe for your screen. You may want to ...
Michael Liebman's user avatar
2 votes

Horizontal to vertical video using ffmpeg

For the blur effect command, you needed to swap a few widths with heights then rescale it so the original video fits in properly above the blurred video: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf 'split[original][copy];...
sim2kid's user avatar
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2 votes

How to crop just 2 pixels without re-encoding (H264 video)?

You can use the h264_metadata bitstream filter. ffmpeg -i in -c copy -bsf:v h264_metadata=crop_top=140 out
Gyan's user avatar
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1 vote

Preview Aspect Ratio on Camera LCD Screen

I assume you already checked the manual and there's no firmware option. Well, the easiest way is to hide the excess areas with black electrical tape that you put directly on the screen after ...
Matt's user avatar
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Best strategy to keep aspect ratio consistent for all videos having any resolution

To keep aspect ratio change: -vf scale=640:360 -vf scale=1280:720 -vf scale=1920:1080 to: -vf scale=-2:360 -vf scale=-2:720 -vf scale=-2:1080 See scale filter documentation for more info.
llogan's user avatar
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1 vote

Shooting in 4:3 Aspect Ratio

Use the frame guides built into whichever camera you use, and set the guides to 4:3. Both cameras you mention have them. When you're shooting, compose your image inside the frame guide. The camera ...
Jason Conrad's user avatar
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FFmpeg issue with aspect ratio

Use "[0:v]scale=iw*sar:ih,setsar=1,pad='max(iw\,2*trunc(ih*16/9/2))':'max(ih\,2*trunc(ow*9/16/2))':(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2[v0];[1:v][v0]scale2ref[v1][v0];[v0][v1]overlay=x=(W-w)/2:y=(H-h)/2[v]" First, ...
Gyan's user avatar
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1 vote

4:3 source going to a 16:9 projector

our existing 4:3 song slides (1024x768) The real resolution of a slide depends on the program and file format they are in. If the slides are in PowerPoint or similar, they have no native resolution, ...
Rafael's user avatar
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1 vote

Why would you deliver a video in 1920x964?

I cannot think of a good reason why 1920x964. It is not uncommon to see 2:1 aspect ratios, which would be 1920x960. The extra 4 pixels are a mystery, especially because 960 divides by 8 and 16, ...
Michael Tiemann's user avatar
1 vote

Extending the size of the video shot on iPhone

This has already been mentioned above however scaling the video in the background roughly (300%) and adding a gaussian blur (soft) is common practice to achieve said effect.
user21171's user avatar
1 vote

What should my aspect ratio settings be for an Instagram ad?

It means that the ratio between the width and the height of the content (in pixels) should be the specified one. Specifically, for a video you need to have an aspect ratio (technically, a DAR - ...
mcont's user avatar
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change aspect ratio without stretching video ffmpeg

Have you tried uploading it to Youtube? Their player window will be a fixed 16:9 ratio (on, but they should accept source videos of any ratio, and simply center it in their window during ...
Gyan's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does 8K have 16 times the pixels compared to 1080p?

8K = 8000 x 8000, if 1:1. But you normaly have 16:9 for videos which is 7680 * 4320, since 7680 ≈ 8000, the width is rounded to 8K, if 9:16 aspect ratio, then the height is rounded to 8K. 7680 * 4320 ...
AnonymousUser's user avatar
1 vote

iOS - App To Change Aspect Ratio of a Video

Videon It's a great app for the iPhone. Not only does it have some great camera features; like stabilization, and manual exposure/WB, but you can also use it's post feature on any clip in your ...
McFlySoHigh's user avatar
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How do I convert anamorphic hdv video to normal h.264 video with ffmpeg? How to ensure square pixels in output?

You can use a combo of the scale and setsar filters. ffmpeg -i hdv-input.m2t -vf "scale=iw*sar:ih,setsar=1" -crf 28 -c:a aac -b:a 80k -ac 1 -movflags +faststart h-264-out.mp4 The scaler width to set ...
Gyan's user avatar
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