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How do I resize the canvas of a image layer in After Effects?

Add an adjustment layer on top (right-click in empty area of the layer names. Go to New menu) Apply the effect to that.
Gyan's user avatar
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How do I add multiple videos into multiple shape layers

You'll need to make a separate layer for each county. You can do this by duplicating the entire NJ layer and deleting all but county #1, then duplicating the NJ layer and deleting all but county #2 ...
stib's user avatar
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How do I resize the canvas of a image layer in After Effects?

And because there's always two ways of doing anything in After Effects: precompose the layer to which you want to apply the effect. In the pre-compose dialogue choose "leave all attributes…". ...
stib's user avatar
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Correct order of layer effects in Premiere CC 2017?

I agree with McFlySoHigh. If you have multiple adjustment layers placed one above the other, the effects will be applied from Top to Bottom. A bit more on the order of effects application in Premiere ...
Natasha Chist's user avatar
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Correct order of layer effects in Premiere CC 2017?

I'm fairly certain that Premiere Pro renders all layers from bottom to top. I have found several sources that confirm this behaviour for After Effects, but nowhere is it stated explicitly for Premiere ...
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