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FFmpeg is a free software project that produces libraries and programs for handling multimedia data. The most notable parts of FFmpeg are libavcodec, an audio/video codec library used by several other projects, libavformat, an audio/video container mux and demux library, and the ffmpeg command line program for transcoding multimedia files.

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How to read frames which are separated by a specific number ? [ffmpeg]

I read them and generate a movie by following command : ffmpeg -f image2 -r 20 -i frame-%00d.png -vcodec mpeg4 -y movie.mp4 Let's say I just want to read frames like frame-0.png,frame-20.png, frame … One possible way I know, is to make movie from all 1000 frames then generate a new movie by skipping frames from the following command : ffmpeg -y -i movie.mp4 -filter:v "select='mod(n,20)'" out.mp4 …
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