It would be fairly easy to use a wipe centred on the black pole in the middle of the ski lift. A wipe is a standard transition found in most, if not all NLEs, that crops the outgoing picture from one side to progressively reveal the incoming picture. Wipe effects commonly have the ability to soften the edge,a nd apply a coloured border, both of which could be useful here, a blurry black border would match the pole as it passes across the shot.

If the pan was quick and reasonably consistent in speed motion blur will help smooth out any mismatch in framing or timing. To do the wipe, count how many frames it takes for the pole to pass from one side to the other. Make the cut in the middle of these frames and then apply a wipe effect to the cut (Premiere, like most NLEs, let you do this by dragging the effect onto the cut). Set the length of the wipe to the same number of frames as it took for the pole to pass across the screen, and make sure the direction and angle match.

When shooting you will want to practice the camera movement so that it is reasonably consistent between shots. One or two frames won't matter, but if one pan is 12 frames long and the other is one second long they wont match. Quicker will be better, because the motion blur and speed will mean you won't see exactly what's going on. There is a cutting technique called a [whip pan][1], where you move the camera super fast (or apply movement in post) to cut to somewhere else. It might be of use to you here.
