Shot an 80min interview @ 4K 422LT (271GB)on BMPC and want to create 3x 720p angles for multicam. Unsure if it's best to create them as compound clips cropped from the one 4K master clip inside of FCPX or Render out the 720p's as standalone clips then reimport.

Once the Blackmagic ProRes422LT 4K clip has been imported and a LUT + Noise Reduction applied it gets unwieldly (to say the least)

Is it best practice to Render out a new 4K clip via Compressor with those corrections baked in, OR

Create cropped 720p compound clips (from the effects applied 4K) for each of the angles for use in Multicam, OR

Crop the 4K down to 720p angles and Render those out via Compressor as individual clips and reimport?

Many thanks for any suggestions