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How can people apparently manage to capture video in such poor quality in 2022? [closed]

This is something which has baffled me for many years already. I just watched this freshly uploaded video (out of many): It seriously looks like somebody took a ...
Alpers's user avatar
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Does any record exist of the animation techniques used producing Disney's Bambi?

I know the movie is old, but if there's so much as a production book of the film it would assist me a great deal. I'm attempting to confront all of the areas in animation which I'm inexperienced with, ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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h264 Settings for Motion Tracking & Analysis (technical photography)?

I'm trying to do "scientific" video motion analysis. Right now I'm using a Raspberry Pi camera, which records natively in h264, which then needs to be converted/wrapped as MP4. Is h264 an ...
float13's user avatar
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Defined Technical Specs for 'Broadcast Quality'

Does anyone know if there are clear technical specs a digital file can be assessed against to confirm a valid 'broadcast quality' file? EG: Video = certain bitrate Audio = certain bitrate. ...
alexh's user avatar
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Presentation techniques for YouTube

I watched some videos on YouTube and for not being professional in the area, I would like to know how I could denominate the track that shows the name of the presenter? Is there a technical name for ...
LCarvalho's user avatar
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Creating rigid grid structures for arranging video clips

I'm quite new to video editing but I am not new to graphic design. One of the most effective methods of organizing content in design is to use a grid. A grid lets things look good, stay consistent, ...
Digits's user avatar
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2 answers

Chroma subsampling notation - rules

Are there some simple arithmetical relations (rules, properties) between numbers in x:y:z chroma subsampling notation?
MarianD's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Technique that seems to freeze everything in the world except the camera

What is the name of the shooting technique that seems to freeze everything in the world except the camera you're shooting? The camera can travel a certain path and nothing moves in the scene, even ...
LCarvalho's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I film my two hands?

In filming a video diary, I am often trying fruitlessly to put my two hands in the frame (as I stand, walk, etc) to show in the video when I am doing certain things with my hands. It is difficult to ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the camera technique use in desiigner - Panda vidéo?

What is the name of the technique and how do you rig a camera so that it follows the actor's face from the front, like in the two videos below. I would describe it as a "front tracking follow" shot. ...
3logy's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Broadcast Television - Best specs to supply news footage

We are preparing a bunch of 10secs video bites that we hope to be picked up by news media outlets as supplemental footage for news reports. Could anyone suggest the best specs to export the clips as ...
alexh's user avatar
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