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0 answers

How is PSNR calculated when the reference file is RGB and the encoded file is YUV?

If I use this command to get PSNR statistics for a file: ffmpeg -i encoded.mp4 -i reference.nut -lavfi "[0:v]setpts=N[out0];[1:v]setpts=N[out1];[out0][out1]psnr=stats_file=psnr_logfile.txt" -...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How can people apparently manage to capture video in such poor quality in 2022? [closed]

This is something which has baffled me for many years already. I just watched this freshly uploaded video (out of many): It seriously looks like somebody took a ...
Alpers's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

High losing of quality after rendering sony vegas pro 17

I am rendering a video of resolution 2704 x 1520 of 50 FPS on sony vegas. Here are the parameters of the videos : I'm trying to render for a clip video on youtube. However I have an important loss of ...
ImNeos's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do they deliberately (?) crush the quality for any video sent in by "normal people"?

Whenever they (TV stations, YouTube channels, etc.) show footage shot by "normal people", even current such, it always looks like they used a cheap consumer video camera from 1981 with a worn-out VHS ...
Kaulana Bil's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How do the super resolution filters in FFmpeg work?

I need to incorporate a small amount of 1080p HD shots in a 2160p 4K composition. I'm not impressed by default upscaling techniques like lanczos/bicubic/trilinear; it seems like my television does a ...
Redsandro's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why to use lower case "1080p" and "1080i" but not capital "1080P" and "1080I"?

I'm curious about why we mostly use and see "1080p" and "1080i" over "1080P" and "1080I"? (and the same on 720/480/360) Does anybody know any professional reason of that? I've seen some capital ones, ...
curiouskidinthehouse's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

My video is blurry after dragging it to composition

I matched the dimensions and it is still blurry and ive tried it with multiple videos and it is still blurry. please help.
Justin Ratner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

FFMPEG - 5.1 EAC3 encode output quality

I have PCM Wave source files that are 5.1 surround. My goal is to convert this to EAC3 at 192k per Apple recommendations. Here is the MediaInfo of my source media: General Complete name ...
Naqros's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Would repeatedly importing and exporting H.246 video result in loss of quality?

After exporting a time lapse video as H.246 mp4 using Adobe Premiere I realized I wanted a second copy without sound, but I had already changed the settings. To save time I simply imported the mp4 to ...
indispensable PC's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Low conversion quality using ffmpeg

I need to convert flv video into mp4 video, so I used this command: ffmpeg -i input.flv -c -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy output.mp4 But output video has little bit worse video quality, how can I fix ...
tomsk's user avatar
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1 answer

gopro hero vs gopro hero4 black video quality diference

I want to buy gopro camera, I see there is big diference in price e.g. cost $200 ...
nikola99's user avatar
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2 answers

compressed vs uncompressed feasibility question?

I have multiple videos uncompressed. I uploaded them a while ago to vimeo. I lost the original files. However, I found the original files stored in vimeo under the download button below the 1080p ...
Elena's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What format and codecs to use for PS3?

i have edited a video with Open Shot. However when exporting and trying to watch via PS3 the results end up unsatisfying. I managed to figure out that the video is displayed fine as MP4 with libx264 ...
patman's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to make MP4 and MPG-2 720 x 1280 videos? (aspect ratio 9:16)

I need to make an video for an advertising panel. The video is nothing special ( It's just a still image for 10 seconds ), but I don't just know how to make MP4 and MPG-2 720 x 1280 videos.
Eva's user avatar
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2 answers

what should be the minimum write speed of microSD for 30fps 4K, 60 fps 1080p or 100fps 720p etc?

I am planning to buy GoPro 4 silver edition. Since they do not come with a microSD I need to choose one. BH video recommends the below one which has 50Mb/s writing speed and costs75$. http://www....
erenerk's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

YouTube Compression: Why?

There's a lot of advice on the internet on encoding settings to apply to your video before uploading to YouTube (, ...
Peter Lake's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Lines on my H.264 video export

I exported a music video using H.264 for the first time (I would normally just use a simple Apple intermediate codec) and as the 1st shot fades up, for the duration of the fade up, there are ever so ...
Luke's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

High quality ogv files - possible?

I'm converting mov (or flv or mp4) files into ogv. Unfortunately, the programs I've been using (Miro, FFMPEG's ogv plugin) have terrible encoding that appears extremely fuzzy. Does anyone have ...
SH56's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I prevent Quality loss in the beginning of a video?

My company transcodes videos sent in by users (recorder by our own screenrecording software) I use FFMpeg to do the work using this command: /ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i -vcodec libx264 -fpre /ffmpeg/...
Artog's user avatar
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