Questions tagged [presentation]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I distinguish a freeze frame from the moving parts of the video?

Im wondering whats a good way for distinguishing (marking) a freeze frame from the moving parts of the video so it will not look like a problem that stopped the video player app? I prefer keeping the ...
ramiwi's user avatar
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Video with breakpoints for Keynote presentation

I'm trying to show a demo walkthrough of our iPhone app in a Keynote presentation. Ideally, the video would play for a while and then stop at preset break points. Button press resumes the video until ...
Daniel Richter's user avatar
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How to make a video presentation with a video of the slideshow and a video of me speaking in the corner?

I am a teacher and I am trying to sync my slideshow presentation to a video of me speaking about the slideshow presentation. I'm trying to make it so that the presentation takes up most of the screen, ...
Joseph Mario's user avatar