Questions tagged [mpeg4]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What actually distinguishes various MPEG-4 Part 2 video codecs (divx, xvid, mpeg4, msmpeg4v1, mp4v, etc.)

I recently audited a large folder containing a variety of encoded videos from 2002-2014. Using ffmpeg, I extracted and recorded metadata, including the video codec used on the film. An example command ...
aaron's user avatar
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How can I change slice_type which is show in Elecard stream analyzer using ffmpeg?

I'm not ffmpeg and encodding expert and am trying to encode a MP4 file to MPEG-4 h264. When Elecard stream analyzer is analyzing my result .ts file, it shows slice_type = 7 for all of i-frames as you ...
Tooraj Jam's user avatar
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MPEG-4 Mediainfo, what's "Format Profile"?

I'm wondering what the Format Profile tag/field refers to. (Backstory: I have a couple MPEG-4 videos (I made) on a NAS which won't stream through my X-box 360 (but will stream on any other computer, ...
WPNoviceCoder's user avatar
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Structure of MPEG-4 "©xyz" box

[This was originally posted at, and I was redirected to here. I understand if it is too OT and is closed.]. I am trying to ...
BradHards's user avatar
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receive mpeg4 stream using gstreamer

I want to receive an mpeg4 stream with gstreamer, the stream information is(using ffprobe shows the following): Input #0, mpeg, from 'udp://[email protected]:8001': Duration: N/A, start: 19215....
Muhammad Mirab Br.'s user avatar