Questions tagged [libav]

An open source audio/video library.

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Using ffprobe to detect black frames outputs duplicate results

I'm using ffprobe to detect black frames of a video. However, the output produces duplicate entries for each black_start and black_end. Looking for help in figuring out why it duplicates these results....
Grofflesby NPZR's user avatar
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ffmpeg: VAAPI can't do nearest neighbor scaling?

I've been using ffmpeg on my laptop for some time and I could have sworn that scale_vaapi had an option to set the flags to nearest neighbor. I need nearest neighbor scaling because I'm converting low-...
Mike_IronFist's user avatar
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MP4 Video created with ffmpeg C++ api does not show in OSX

I am writing a MP4 video from scratch using the C++ API (libav* 4.1.1). This video can be played back just fine using ffplay or VLC. But the Finder Preview and the Quicktime Player on OSX (10.13 and ...
Daniel Walz's user avatar
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Are ffmpeg prores files reliable enough to be used in production/broadcast environment?

Recently I'm transcoding a lot of material that I wish to use in broadcast and production environment where they use all sort of macs and apple software. I'm not very fan of apple computers and I ...
user3450548's user avatar
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How is possible for YouTube and Vimeo transcode so fast?

For the bit I read YouTube and Vimeo rely on servers powered by some modified libs i guess like libavcodec and tools like ffmpeg in a serious custom build. Let's assume a transcode to h264 but the ...
user3450548's user avatar
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Libav/ X264 failed to compile with Hi422p profile and mp4 container support [closed]

My goal is to encode several videos from SD PAL captured in ProRes(HQ) 422 10bit through AJA Kona 3 to H264 with Hi422p profile in .mp4 container. I work on Mac OSX 9. I try the last x264 10bit ...
Daniel Julien's user avatar
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avconv: How to blur scenes?

I want to blur some scenes with avconv The ffmpeg command -find it here- is: ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf "boxblur=enable='between(t,22,113)'" -codec:a copy output.avi doesn't work with avconv ...
Learner's user avatar
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Invalid timebase converting videos from Galaxy S3

I have a video that I recorded on my phone and would like to flip horizontally. I am using the following command: avconv -i 20131117_220136.mp4 -vf "hflip" 20131117_220136.flipped.mp4 I get the ...
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Deinterlace by dropping even lines from command line

I want to make an interlaced video with 50fps into a 25fps progressive, in the process i'm also reducing the size of the frame. Currently i am using avconv and there are deinterlacing options, however,...
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