Questions tagged [colorspace]

An RGB color space is any additive color space based on the RGB color model. A particular RGB color space is defined by the three chromaticities of the red, green, and blue additive primaries, and can produce any chromaticity that is the triangle defined by those primary colors. The complete specification of an RGB color space also requires a white point chromaticity and a gamma correction curve.

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Why has grayscale a higher bitrate than YUV with H.265/HEVC?

For compression purposes, I am re‐encoding a grayscale video to the H.265/HEVC codec. Although the input video is more or less perfectly grayscale in aspect, it is provided in the yuv420p pixel format....
Maëlan's user avatar
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Why does ffprobe report color space as unknown?

If the caja file properties report YUV for color space, why does ffprobe report color space as unknown ? The video in question was obtained from Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) Spinning Moon. Here ...
user40272's user avatar
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Do you always need to convert videos with a YUV color space for compositing in Blender?

I have a 10 bits .mov file with YUV color space encoded prores 422HQ of some green screen footage. -Do we always need to convert videos with a YUV color space for compositing work? If I want to ...
blender28's user avatar
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ffmpeg: color loss when encoding to .webm

When encoding to webm (specifically VP8, i.e. libvpx), the color range gets reduced from 0-255 to 15-235. This causes a washed-out look; blacks become faded and not as sharp. I have found solutions ...
felwithe's user avatar
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MPC-HC is altering the colors

In order to test a lossless recording system, I have to verify that the input video is exactly the same than the output video. As a test source I have generated an ffmpeg's testsrc pattern, which is ...
RawBean's user avatar
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How do I change the color format of a video in ffmpeg?

I have upscaled an old DVD to 4K through various samples and appended the files producing the following x265 file within an .mkv container: My TV can't directly play the video, though, usually able ...
bigboss's user avatar
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Da Vinci Raw to Blender and back to Da Vinci

I need to make a vfx shot that requires using the video itself as a texture for a wall breaking (basically projecting the original footage onto the tracked CGI wall). The clip on my timeline is BRAW. ...
TORM3NTO's user avatar
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Why does my ipad/macbook video camera quality not match logitech hd c270 quality?

I am trying to write a program that takes a video of someone's face, extracts the RGB values, and then uses the color change (imperceptible to the human eye) to map onto heart rate. When I use a ...
connor449's user avatar
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Correctly compositing linear RGB elements over log footage

I have some water splash elements I need to composite over log footage in After Effects before sending it to the colorist for grading. As I understand, the correct workflow is to convert the log ...
kurajber's user avatar
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ffmpeg ProRes to MP4 Alters Colors Slightly

I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going wrong, but I have a ProRes MOV file with the following specifications: And I want to convert it to a 4:2:0 MP4 video file. Every time I attempt ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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Color changes after video to single frame images back to video using ffmpeg

Given master video in mov rle: Video: qtrle (rle / 0x20656C72), rgb24(progressive) Converted the video to a serie of single .bmp frames. ffmpeg -i $FRAMES/f%03d.bmp Frames from ...
Serge's user avatar
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Generating video thumbnails preview / contact sheet in batch, color issue

I have a large collection of videos to sort out, and for that purpose I want to create a thumbnail preview for each one of them, as quickly and efficiently as possible. I have tested several tools ...
GabrielB's user avatar
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Matching colors for video

It appears that loading a graphics asset into Premiere’s new (2017.1) layered drawing tools does not do any kind of profile matching. Furthermore, the play preview image looks different on my (color ...
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