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Vegas Pro Chroma Key not working properly

After I start doing chroma key with the following image With black blackground it gets well But when I try to make the background white After I tune it, it starts to be blue What am I doing wrong?
DiogoSaraiva's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Sony Vegas default chroma key seem to shift blue colors

After a few videos, I think that now I manage pretty well chroma key on a green screen. But in my last video, my subject handles items that are light blue / cyan, and I started to notice that those ...
Julien N's user avatar
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Masking out the video background in Sony Vegas

I have a video and I need to mask out the background for it. A screenshot from the original video, credits to The Muppets Studio The video has been shot with a still camera on a steady background. ...
Be Brave Be Like Ukraine's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Improve chroma key effect in Sony Vegas

I'm performing some tests with the chroma key, I already noticed that blue screen will not perform well for me (the subject is often in black, which doesn't match well with blue), so I got a green ...
Julien N's user avatar
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