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Questions tagged [chromakey]

A technique for removing parts of a video (such as the background) based on their color.

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Right pypeline to shoot crowd on chromakey, to add 3d on post

I NEED THIS TYPE OF PRODUCTION+VFX+3D ANIMATION VFX+3D My storyboard of the scene: If We shoot the crowd on a chromakey from these angles, which option would be easier and faster: To make a full 3D ...
antony's user avatar
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FFMPEG - scale and chromakey not working together?

video1.mp4 1280×720, with a green area video2.mp4 1280×720 I need to reduce video2.mp4 to 640x480 and insert what fits into the green area of video1.mp4 I went through all the options that I found on ...
Jhon Abrams's user avatar
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How to make green suit completely invisible?

I use keylight in After effects to remove my green suit, but it leaves ghost like stuff on my video. How do I completely remove it? You can see my hands do not match the color of the background from ...
Jill Clover's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the keyer more like a mask, adding effects to the keyed colour, rather than just making it transparent?

I am playing with Final Cut Pro, and I was wondering how to use the Keyer function beyond just making a specific colour transparent on an overlayed video or image. Say I had a video clip with portions ...
user38854's user avatar
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Can I achieve effective keying if I use green lights to illuminate a white wall?

I do frequent video shoots of a speaker standing in front of a white wall at the end of a hallway in a corporate office with limited clean background availability and tight spaces. I don't usually ...
libbynotzoey's user avatar
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Kind of "chroma key" using a key frame

I am a professor at the university. I have been recording my lectures and using Kdenlive for editing. See this example of my videos. I am starting a new course, and this time I will have more time to ...
André Caldas's user avatar
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Vegas Pro Chroma Key not working properly

After I start doing chroma key with the following image With black blackground it gets well But when I try to make the background white After I tune it, it starts to be blue What am I doing wrong?
DiogoSaraiva's user avatar
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Applying different color keys to one layer in AE

In After Effects, I have an image layer that consists a few colors. Underneath I have several other layers (textures). I want to replace each color of the image above with one of the textures below. ...
yog's user avatar
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How to camera match move for moon/clouds/stars?

I have found the way to replace green screen and match camera move with background footage, but I don't understand how is it done for sky because the markers on green screen moves way faster than the ...
Faizan Shakeel's user avatar
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Is 8 Bit 4:2:0 chroma subsampling "good enough" for chroma key?

My school bought a Panasonic 4K camcorder (which I don't remember exactly which model) pointed at a green screen and this got me thinking. If it's a HC-X1000 with it's tiny sized sensor and 8 Bit 4:2:...
Delta Oscar Uniform's user avatar
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FFmpeg: chromakey without green edges

I have a video of a person on green background and I'm trying to turn background transparent: ffmpeg -i bg.mp4 -i man.mp4 -filter_complex '[1:v]colorkey=0x00ff00:0.3:0.3[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]...
Igniter's user avatar
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Best and easiest way to remove tracking markers from green screen video

I have this video : From which I want to remove all tracking markers (black and blue tracking markers). I tried to use After Effects through Mocha and Content-aware-...
kabrice's user avatar
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Greenscreen recommendations

I'm suffering with Greenscreen already several months. So I would appreciate any recommendations. As you can see on the right side there is a spill on the head and arm. My setup: 2 daylight bulbs (45 ...
monsterlessons's user avatar
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video chroma keyed background into Skype [closed]

I speak to my sons via Skype (for Win 10). I have a new green screen, and would like to surprise them by pretending to be on a beach when we next talk. Zoom can chroma key in a beach with waving palm ...
Colin Rowat's user avatar
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Magic Lantern or native specs in 2020

I am photographer and videographer and my main subject is product photography (antiques, watches, jewelry,...) and one of my biggest issue is poor sharpness and bad looking video from my Canon 77D. I ...
Nassif 113's user avatar
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How to apply multiple chroma keys in ffmpeg?

I tried creating two separate colorkey filters (as these seem to work better than chromakey filters) like this: ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -i input2.mp4 -filter_complex '[1:v]colorkey=0x6AA999:0.1:0.2[...
Michael's user avatar
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FFMPEG - Crop and Chromakey not working together?

Having an issue with the chromakey portion not working after the scale. Any ideas? ffmpeg -i background1080.png -i file.mp4 -filter_complex "[1]scale=1612:906[inner];[0][inner]overlay=154:170; [1:v]...
Dot Matrix's user avatar
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Delta Keyer not working with Clean Plate

In DaVinci Resolve 16, in Fusion, I'm creating a Clean Plate and routing its output to a Delta Keyer to remove the background. While the Clean Plate works well, the Delta Keyer is not doing what I ...
Iulius Curt's user avatar
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Sony FS5 border artifacts

I've got a problem with trying to key the green color with some footage I shot with a Sony FS5. The main object in the frame has some kind of white/light grey border around it which makes it very hard ...
Bob's user avatar
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How to deal with reflections in a space helmet

I am currently working on a short sci-fi film, and one scene involves a character going on a space walk. I've made a helmet, which has a plastic visor. The problem is that this visor is very ...
ScienceKeanu's user avatar
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"Subtracting" image with clean slate on Premiere Pro/After Effects

I have a camera set up in a room. I take a picture without any foreground as a clean slate. Then, I record a video with a moving foreground while the camera stays in the same position. Is there any ...
Ansel Chang's user avatar
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How to lock and scroll image, using smartphone green screen mockup?

I've got this video, where the lady is scrolling an app. I could simply use chroma key, but the guy's hand is moving all the time and the app image layer wouldn't follow. How can I do that, in ...
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What are some Best Camera Settings for Recording for Chroma Keying and which color of cloth reflects least green color?

I am recording footage for my music video and I am using chroma keying for eliminating the green screen and changing the background of my video. I am using After Effects CC 14 video production/...
Naved THE Sheikh's user avatar
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How to combine so many ffmpeg filters in 1?

I don't even know if it's possible, but if anybody could help me would be really great! :) So first of all I resize my video with this command: CODE №1 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -crf 16 ...
Artem Derzky's user avatar
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How to remove background from video without using green screen

I've started work at a company doing video work and trying to create videos that are consistent with their previous videos. However, the more I look at the previous videos, the less I'm sure about ...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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Does and/or how chroma keyed image show on the studio cameras?

AFAIK, the Chroma key happens in the vision mixer or something?; after the camera picked up the green colored cloth(?) then the vision mixer applies the CGI images to the video. Sorry for confusing ...
user152435's user avatar
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Can I paint a rough wall with chromakey paint to make a green screen?

I'm setting up a studio to make videos. My space has walls that have been covered with stucco-style paint. In other words, they're rough. I want to have a green-screen background behind me. If I paint ...
exzackley's user avatar
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Post production removal of uneven green screen with glass object shattering in foreground

We have a glass object falling and shattering into many shards. Unfortunately the green screen was uneven causing different shadings on the background. Our edior says to use the shot, he would have ...
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How can I take a part of a video and chroma key only the parts that I select?

I'm not sure if this should be for photo or video, but let's say I see a part of a video that I would like to add a green background to, like chroma key, but the background isn't a solid color. Could ...
ToastHouse's user avatar
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Is lighting a green screen necessary?

I need a green screen for a project I'm making. However, after some research, they said I need to light it. I didn't think I'd have to light it, and it looks to complicated. As long as there are no ...
Ali Bdeir's user avatar
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DJI Osmo X3 vs Canon 5D Mk III for easier chroma green screen keying

Everything I've read indicates I'll get better green screen footage using a 4K camera rather than an HD camera as the increased resolution helps. But what about other factors such as the noise on a ...
Ian Smith's user avatar
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Export Composition Background in After Effects

I made a lower third for someone else. Of course it needs an alpha channel, but rendering RGB+Alpha results in humongous filesizes. Now I was wondering if you can export the whole thing using a chroma ...
CrazyQwert's user avatar
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Generate travelleng matte from a nearly-white bright background?

I have video of a stage with a bright screen behind it, and I thought it would be neat if I could (easily-enough) punch in another image on the screen. And not just a small section of it, but fill it ...
JDługosz's user avatar
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Keying + Tracking onto Tablet/Smartphone with Green Screen Display in Adobe Premiere or After Effects

I shot a commercial and in the commercial we have people holding an ipad or iphone and the screen of the devices were green like the pics below. Now I have to overlay some UI/UX from apps and web ...
Lucas Chu's user avatar
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Chroma key with cropped video on top and background images/videos with alpha blending

Check the following screenshot to understand what's my goal: I can't figure out how can I crop chroma key-recorded video, use a blend effect to make the chroma key part absolutely transparent (...
Matías Fidemraizer's user avatar
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Remove Greenscreen Reflections?

My work has a green screen that my boss purchased with no knowledge of green screens or how to use or what to do with them. in Sept. 2014 he gave me the task to create employee introduction / ...
GreenScreenReed's user avatar
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Premultiplication issue with two jpeg sequences

I have two (rgb) jpeg sequences one with the alpha information (black and white) the other one with the green screen footage. I keyed them with Keylight and they look perfect in AE before exporting. ...
Benedikt's user avatar
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Sony Vegas default chroma key seem to shift blue colors

After a few videos, I think that now I manage pretty well chroma key on a green screen. But in my last video, my subject handles items that are light blue / cyan, and I started to notice that those ...
Julien N's user avatar
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Masking out the video background in Sony Vegas

I have a video and I need to mask out the background for it. A screenshot from the original video, credits to The Muppets Studio The video has been shot with a still camera on a steady background. ...
Be Brave Be Like Ukraine's user avatar
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Key out everything but one color?

Ok I know this might be very basic for many of you, but I couldn't quite figure out how to do this ... So, in case I want something like a reverse color keying where everything except one particular ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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Transparent video background from image

Is there a simple way to make the background of an video transparent, removing the background where it is similar to the image? Just like a green screen, except that the chroma key is an image. Is ...
Jørgen's user avatar
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Does the project resolution affect the quality of a chromakey?

In FCPX: If I have 1080p footage in a 720p project, will the keyer effect (chromakey) lose quality? To ask the question a different way: Should I have a project with the same dimensions/resolution as ...
17xande's user avatar
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Chromakey (Green Screen) Best Practices in Adobe After Effects

I've been doing green screen in iMovie (and it works surprisingly well!), but I'm downloading Adobe Creative Cloud tonight for my new PC. I'd appreciate any "best practice" suggestions for using the ...
BrettFromLA's user avatar
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Keying Out Smoke Against a Black Background

I have a video of smoke shot against a black background. I would like to make the background transparent so the smoke shows over the video in the background. I originally tried Remove Matte but that ...
L84's user avatar
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Chroma Key video software for command line

Do you know about any video processing software that can do chroma key of two video files, but run from command line as well? I have two static video files (let's say MP4, same length) - one with ...
cadavre's user avatar
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Udacity - Hand under notes video effect

In a typical Udacity course, the hand written course videos are displayed with the writers hand beneath a semi-transparant view of the notes (1:02 in video linked below). I want to replicate this to ...
Jack's user avatar
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Two green screens in FCPX?

I am a beginner FCPX user and am currently working on setting up a green screen studio for interviews/podcasts/etc. I am planning on painting a wall with this paint and using a this for my floor mat (...
Andrew's user avatar
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Improve chroma key effect in Sony Vegas

I'm performing some tests with the chroma key, I already noticed that blue screen will not perform well for me (the subject is often in black, which doesn't match well with blue), so I got a green ...
Julien N's user avatar
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How Do I Film A Rotating Object With White Background?

I often need to rotate object when making video and rotating with hands is not convenient. I wish there was a helping rotational hand spehere that would rotate as i film object where i could set ...
Boris_yo's user avatar
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Adobe After Effects vs. Final Cut Express for chroma keying

Which is better for chroma keying, Adobe After Effects or Final Cut Express and why?
daviesgeek's user avatar