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Questions tagged [av1]

Use this tag for questions related to the AV1 codec.

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AV1 Encoding Parameters Help - Reduce Variation in Quality from frame to frame

I'm encoding 16 bpc PNG sequences into various lossy video formats for archival purposes because the file sizes are so big. I'm only considering codecs which support 444 and at least 10 bit color. ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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Creating an 8K/4K video in ffmpeg from single image frame leads to video longer than audio

I want to make a video using a cover image and an audio file with the audio file as the length. What's the most optimal modern way to do this with new codecs and high resolutions? Reason why I want 4K/...
MyPreciousss's user avatar
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librav1e cannot even utilize half of my CPU

Since I heard librav1e is kind of the fastest AV1 software encoder, I attempted to use it to convert an old MPEG-4 Visual video to AV1, but the result is way slower than the popular SVT-AV1 encoder. ...
Shanoa Ice's user avatar