I'm making a short movie with iMovie.
From time to time (more than once per day) I export it in medium format.
I did it with my last version, then I refined the video and when exporting again iMovie started crashing.
After lot of hacking, reading (this great post for instance, which gives multiple very useful solutions), I understood that the cause was some corrupted video.
I crashes probably in the part where I included some video produced with iMovie itself. So, I create a temp project with iMovie, and I export it to use the exported video in my MAIN project.
I removed it and now it works. If I include it again it sometimes crashes, and it is the weird thing: I never changed this video, and when I include it again some time the project is exporting well, sometimes not (it seems a not-reproducible issue! crazy!).
Hence I have the following questions:
is it possible to 'repair' the video which make the project crash?
is there a way to understand, from the error report, WHICH WAS THE PART CAUSING THE CRASH?
- iMovie is great but I think it is still somewaht a toy. So if I buy final cut pro x, can I import iMovie videos without getting crazy?
-- UPDATE --
The followings are not possible solutions:
- Removing the "organic" title (I'm not using it)
- clean the preferences entry in the library folder (com.apple.iMovieApp.plist), I've already tried it