I tried to use many variations of syntax but with no viable results.
The frames in the original file are 213214 and I want to omit the last frame for the total frames to become 213213 but when I try the below syntax I get a very weird result which a higher number of frames rather being decreased by 1
ffmpeg -copyts -i h:\dh.h265 -c copy -enc_time_base -1 -bsf:v:0 noise=drop='eq(pos\,213214)' h:\dh_framecorrect.mkv
so I tried this syntax
ffmpeg -i h:\dh.h265 -frames:v 213213 -c:v copy -c:a copy h:\dh_framecorrect.mkv
but again with no luck
then I tried another syntax like in below
ffmpeg -copyts -i h:\dh.h265 -vf "select='eq(n,213214)'" -vframes 213213 h:\dh_framecorrect.mkv
again with no luck
so what am doing wrong here, can anyone please help me out