I have a number of video files I need to convert to "regular" .mp4 format to view on my computer. The format they are in is not supported by my device (the driver has not been backported to 18.04). I have a VM running a later edition of Ubuntu that can convert them, but this raised a question about the bitrate.
I don't want to "worsen" the quality any more than the conversion would already do, so how do I choose an output bitrate that will contain all the information of the input file (especially as I'd imagine that the bitrate is also a function of the compression efficiency rather than the "raw" datarate)?
Am I correct that the bitrate is not the same measure when the formats are different, and if so, how do I ensure that my output quality contains the same information without increasing the file size too much? Is there a tool for that (for Ubuntu, of course)?
Also, VLC seems to automatically pick a bitrate which is larger than the input value and appears to vary between files (with a corresponding size increase after conversion). Would you know if it is doing this calculation automatically, or is it just padding my files?