This is my first time posting, but i'll try to stay concise
For the last 5 days, I've tried recreating my magic system in After Effects in order to make a guide explaining how it works. Because understanding the aestethics of my magic is important to this topic, i'll quickly talk about it:
The Logos is the art of drawing 3D objects using dots and lines. Pretty simple right? Well, here are some rules about the drawing:
- First, you need to have a bunch of small, blue, semitransparent circles called Logya.
- Then, you can connect the dots with blue lines, which is what allows object creation.
- Every time you form a closed shape, a solid semitransparent layer forms. This lets the user create solid items like swords and shields.
In my guide i want to show off the two ways my magic system can look (a sword and a bunch of particles moving around), but i've had varying degrees of success on each. After a bit of googling, I found a plugin called Trapcode Particular that perfectly suited my needs for creating the particles and this is what i managed to create with it:
Unfortunately, i didn't have the same luck with the sword. My friend drew a sword for me to base myself, but as you'll see i wasn't able to replicate the desired effect.
I found a plugin named Plexus that excels in creating dot and line graphics, but one of the problems i found was that it lacked flexibility, seeing that i couldn't chose which lines connected to which dots or where i wanted the dots to spawn.
I created a mask and added the effect on top, but i could only 'fill' the mask's outline by creating a ton of dots and lines that i didn't want. The closest i got was creating a small trapezoid with my hands using motion tracking:
Note the semitransparent layer, the blue dots and lines that my system requires. However, there are still way too many lines for a simple trapezoid because i can't decide where the lines appear, same thing for the layers.
I thought of creating a bunch of dots and simply connecting them with lines, but i wouldn't know how to add the blue layer. That being said, i would appreciate any advice or links to techniques/plugins i could use to help me out!