I am trying to make a 3D path that will be used as motion path for a object as well as base for Trim Paths
In other words, I would like to create something like Nyan Cat. I am going to use a path to animate movement of a 'cat' and to use same path to animate 'rainbow' by using Trim Paths
. A 'cat' must move through 3D space eventually. Not sure if I chosen right direction so I would appreciate any tips about best practices for that kind of tasks.
However I would really love to learn how to create 3D paths to use them as trajectory for a camera, for example.
What I tried:
To create a circle -> make it 3D ->change its orientation -> convert to Bezier Path
-ctrl+c. And then if I try to paste the copied path into an object position
it get inserted as a 2D path. I could create 3D motion path for a camera manually using a Pen tool
, however I would like a path to be a right circle.
Sorry if my question seems to be stupid, I am a really new. Thank you in advance!