Here is what I am trying to accomplish in one FFmpeg process:
A. Take in 3 inputs
B. Overlay input 1 over input 0 (input 1 has an alpha channel)
C. Take the result of step B and concatenate input 3 at the end
Reading up on the documentation I was able to accomplish B and C independently, but when I try chaining them together into a complex filter I can accomplish overlaying input 0-1 but the concatenation does not seem to work.
What it does is just freezing frame on the end of the overlaid clip, for the duration of input 3. In other words the output file has the correct duration, but instead of seeing input 3 at the end I just get a frozen frame at the end of input 2. Hopefully that is clear...
Here is the command I am using:
-loop 1 -r 29.97 -i input0.png -r 29.97 -i input1_%04d.png -i \
-c:v libx264 -crf 18 -filter_complex "[0][1]overlay=shortest=1;[1][2]concat=n=2:v=1"
I believe I am close enough, so hopefully this is just a simple tweak!