Let's say I have 30 clips. The first 10 clips are filmed outside at day, the next 10 clips are filmed outside at night and the last 10 clips are filmed indoors. This means that I want to use three different color corrections (I could of course use more, but let's say this is enough).
One way to do this would be to apply a color correction to one of the clips and then copy and paste this one to all the clips with the same lightning conditions. However, what if you later find out you should have nudged the blacks a little bit more toward the red? Then you have to go in and make individual changes to every single clip. This quickly gets very time consuming.
Is there any way to set global variables that gets applied to several clips at the same time? For example, when programming, one can specify a certain variable, let's say a<=20, use this variable on several places in the code, and then, if one want a to be 25 instead, one only has to change this on one place instead on every place in the code. Can I do something similar in Premiere?